2015-01-01 Thread bv4bv4bv4
THE SUPERIORITY OF THE MOTHER IN ISLAM #1- From Abu Hurairah -radiallaahu anhu- who said: A man came to the Messenger of Allah -sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam- and said: 'O Messenger of Allah who from the people is the most deserving of my good companionship? The Messenger -sallallaahu alayhi wa s

Why is Smiling a Donation?

2014-11-27 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Why is Smiling a Donation? (And smiling to your brother is donation). This is what the greatest Prophet (All Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him) said and this is what the latest researches are discovering, so let's read Researchers have studied about smiling influence on others. They h

Islam prohibited women to be Unveiled....why?

2014-11-14 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Islam prohibited women to be Unveiledwhy? Are there any harmful effects on women if they used to display parts of their body? Let us read. According to the latest figures, the incidence of melanoma, a potentially fatal skin cancer, is increasing dramatically. It is currently

Islam is not a Religion of Extremism

2014-06-22 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Islam is not a Religion of Extremism Allah says: "...Whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind..." Qur'an 5:32 Islam... an extreme religion? "Islamic terrorists!

Science in Islam

2014-06-07 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Science in Islam "We (God) shall show them Our signs in the Universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth." Quran 41:53 The Quran, the book of Islam, is the final book of revelation from God to humanity and the last in the line of revelations given to the

Why Islam? The Beauty and Benefits of Islam

2014-05-07 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Why Islam? The Beauty and Benefits of Islam Are all religions the same? How do I know which is correct? Why should I choose Islam? This pamphlet aims to discuss some of the beauties, benefits and unique aspects of Islam as compared to other beliefs and religions. 1. Close Relationship with the

The Purpose Of Life & Muslim Spoken Word & The Daily Reminder

2014-04-15 Thread bv4bv4bv4
The Purpose Of Life & Muslim Spoken Word & The Daily Reminder Thank you --

Jesus: an Islamic view

2014-04-04 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Jesus: an Islamic view In this pamphlet, the author shows the nature of the Prophet Jesus as Islam provides. He shows that the Prophet Jesus is a human prophet and does not have any divine nature as Christian believe. Did you know that it is obligatory for Muslims to believe in Jesus, or that


2014-01-11 Thread bv4bv4bv4
INTRODUCING ISLAM I. ISLAM AND MUSLIMS The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is Silm and Salam which means peace. Salam may also mean greeting one another with peace. One of the beautiful names of God is that He is the Peace. It means more than that: submission to the One God,

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

2013-12-13 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11. An important article shows that every child is born on the "fitrah" (natural inclination) of "Islam", the spread of Islam after September eleventh and that it’s necessary to make an open communication between Muslims &

Why Muslims Believe that Islam is the truth ?????????????

2013-12-05 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Why Muslims Believe that Islam is the truth Many Christians & Jews don't know that Muslims believe in their prophets and holy books. Muslims believe that the Bible and the Torah were changed by people for their personal benefits. This is why God sent Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, not wi


2013-09-21 Thread bv4bv4bv4
THE MORAL SYSTEM IN ISLAM Islam has laid down universal fundamental rights for humanity that are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. In order to realise these rights in one's everyday social life, Islam provides both legal safeguards and a very effective moral system. In


2013-09-05 Thread bv4bv4bv4
THE POPULATION OF MUSLIMS Islam today is a global religion. It is no longer confined to Muslim majority countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Indonesia. Small but significant communities exist across Europe, the Americas and Australasia. For some time Muslims have been an invisible pre