This is the 2nd test sample for my 'Python to Go' project
refer to
download url:
This time I choose a 75 Python lines of Tetris game. It use PyGame library.
With my 'Python to Go', I conver
On Sunday, May 25, 2014 12:47:27 PM UTC+8, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 1:06 PM, bookaa wrote:
> > This tool can be called 'Python to GoLang', which translate Python source
> > to Golang source. And then you can compile the Go files to executable
> > binary. (btw: Go is a ne
Make Python Compilable
This tool can be called 'Python to GoLang', which translate Python source to
Golang source. And then you can compile the Go files to executable binary.
(btw: Go is a new C-like compilable language, open source).
Generally, people consider Python as a script language. It h