> But you can restrict the numbers of ports the server will use to a
> certain range! It's common for ftp to allow only for so many connections
> at the same time, so reserve a port-range of 20 or so for your server
> and configure the router to forward them.
Thanks, I think that'll have to be my
It's actually 256*y + z
billie wrote:
> > The right format of a FTP PORT command is:
> >
> > PORT x,x,x,x,y,z
> >
> > ...where x(s) represents your IP address in dotted form and (x * y) the
> > TCP port you bind.
> Sorry, I wanted to say: (y * z)
P servers,
and (according to the responses echoed by the command line FTP client),
they're using PORT, not PASV. So somehow, my client is specifying some
arbitrary port for the server to connect to, and that port is actually
being forwarded through my router.
Sergei Organov wrote:
Quick follow up, I'm able to connect to other external FTP sites behind
my firewall and router, no problem.
bmearns wrote:
> Thanks for all the responses. I understood what the PORT command was
> for, but I've been seeing alot of doc online that only mentions going
Thanks for all the responses. I understood what the PORT command was
for, but I've been seeing alot of doc online that only mentions going
outbound on port 20 for data connections, so I thought maybe that was
my problem.
Sorry if this is the wrong spot to follow up on this not-so-much-python
Is it possible to specify which port to use as the outbound port on a
connection? I have the IP address and port number for the computer I'm
trying to connect to (not listening for), but it's expecting my
connection on a certain port.
Specifically, I'm trying to write an FTP host, and I'm trying t