"barcaroller" wrote in message
> Okay, I won't disagree, but how do I fix this?
Never mind. The latest update today included a new pygtk
which seems to have fixed the problem. All is good now.
"Thomas Guettler" wrote in message
> Looks like your pygtk package does not fit to the installed python
> package.
Okay, I won't disagree, but how do I fix this?
"Thomas Guettler" wrote in message
> Looks like your pygtk package does not fit to the installed python
> package.
Okay, I won't disagree, but I how do if fix this?
I use a python-based program called 'meld' which worked fine until my latest
Fedora11/KDE4.3 update; it now gives me the following error:
prompt> meld
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined
symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
Meld requires pygtk 2.8.0 or hig
Can someone kindly recommend some good books on the following:
Python for beginners
Python for advanced users
Is there a bible like Larry Wall's Programming Perl or Bjarne Stroustrup's
The C++ Programming Language?