On Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:00:16 AM UTC-8, Bernhard Walle wrote:
> Hi,
> * cindy jones [2008-09-30 19:57]:
> >
> > Can someone tel me how to add cc's and bcc's while sending mails using
> > python
> Following (tested) snippet should help:
> ------------------ 8< ------------------------------
> from smtplib import SMTP
> from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
> from email.mime.text import MIMEText
> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
> to = 'to_address@example.invalid'
> cc = 'cc_address@example.invalid'
> bcc = 'bcc_address@example.invalid'
> msg = MIMEMultipart()
> msg['To'] = to
> msg['Cc'] = cc
> msg['From'] = 'bernh...@bwalle.de'
> msg['Subject'] = 'Test'
> text = MIMEText('Das ist ein Test')
> text.add_header("Content-Disposition", "inline")
> msg.attach(text)
> s = SMTP('test.smtp.relay')
> s.sendmail(msg['From'], [to, cc, bcc], msg.as_string())
> s.quit()
> ------------------ >8 ------------------------------
> Regards,
> Bernhard
Hello Bernhard,

I've tried the above code and the bcc address does not receive the message, on 
the To & CC addresses receive it. 

Here are snippets from my code, perhaps something will stand out to you?

to = 'e...@domain.gov'
cc = 'e...@gmailmail.com'
bcc = 'e...@home.net'

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['To'] = to
msg['Cc'] = cc
msg['Subject'] = 'My Subject text here'
msg['From'] = 'edsb...@domain.gov'

smtp = SMTP("smtpserver")
smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], [to, cc, bcc], msg.as_string())

Thanks in advance..hope you're still out there!!

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