> You might be able to use mingw32 as well.
say I obtain and install "an alternative" compiler. how do I tell
python which one to use?
I am sorry for asking dumb questions. Can't find the answers in the
> You need Visual Studio 2008. Other versions of VS aren't supported by
> Python 2.6.
Aren't 2005, 2008+ versions all have same c compiler - it's just the
IDE versions that are different?
Hi, I am trying to build mySQL-python with python 2.6 on windows and
can't figure what's wrong with it.
D:\temp\mysqlPyC\MySQL–python–1.2.3c1>python setup.py build
running build
running build_py
copying MySQLdb\release.py –> build\lib.win32–2.6\MySQLdb
running build_ext
building '_mysql' extension