Idlelib TreeWidget (UNCLASSIFIED)

2007-08-03 Thread Vines, John (Civ, ARL/CISD)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Does anyone have any experience using the idlelib TreeWidget module? I am using it to display XML files and would like to include some editing capabilities. Does anyone have any examples I could take a look at? Thanks, John Classification: UNCLA

Quick Basic to Python converter

2006-07-05 Thread Vines, John (Civ, ARL/CISD)
Title: Quick Basic to Python converter All,     We have a legacy project which has been written in Quick Basic.  We need to port it to Python.  Are there any converters from Quick Basic to Python Thanks in advance, John Vines ARL MSRC HPCD, CSEB Scientif