uhm i'm trying to make a very simple but large database:
Let's say I want these fields : |name|age|country|
Then I can't do this because I use the same key
db["name"] = 'piet'
db["age"] = '20'
db["country"] = 'nl'
#same keys so it wil overwrite
db["name"] = 'jan'
Greg Lindstrom wrote:
I'm running Python 2.3 on a windows box and would like to use PIL to
superimpose text over an existing pgn image. I have no problem getting
the text on the image but can not figure out how to manage fonts. How
to set the font style and size. From reading the archives I s
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Duncan Booth a écrit :
Secondly, how do I clear screen (cls) from text and other
content ?
That depends on your computer, and how you are running your program.
One way which *might* work is:
import os
*might* work... !-)
Mailer wrote:
The basic premise, as I understand is this:
Read mail from stdin
Parse headers etc using rfc822 or email module
# Now I need to do one of the following:
# Discard mail
# Pass through
# Forward to another account, possibly modifying the mail
Now that I have coded up some stuff,
Kamilche wrote:
Is there a command you can execute in Python that will open a window on
the desktop, such as 'My Documents'? Kind of like 'system', but for
folder names, not just programs. I'm running on Windows 2000.
Maybe this is good enough?
os.system("explorer " + folder_path)