Re: not homework... something i find an interesting problem

2009-04-21 Thread Trip Technician
On 21 Apr, 14:46, MRAB wrote: > Trip Technician wrote: > > Thank you Dave. This does it but slowly. takes every subset of the > > list a ofsquares, and then gets a 'partition' that will work, many > > are very inefficient (with lots of 1s). > > > any hints

Re: not homework... something i find an interesting problem

2009-04-21 Thread Trip Technician
Thank you Dave. This does it but slowly. takes every subset of the list a of squares, and then gets a 'partition' that will work, many are very inefficient (with lots of 1s). any hints about how to speed up ? def subset(x): for z in range(1,2**len(x)): q=bin(z) subs=[]

not homework... something i find an interesting problem

2009-04-18 Thread Trip Technician
although it's not homework (how can i prove that...?) i am still happy with just hints +++ we want to express integers as sums of squares. (repeated squares are allowed) most numbers have one minimal representation e.g. 24=16+4+4, some have two or more e.g. 125 = 121+4 = 100+25 so far I have cr

Re: code challenge: generate minimal expressions using only digits 1,2,3

2009-02-20 Thread Trip Technician
On 20 Feb, 15:39, Nigel Rantor wrote: > Trip Technician wrote: > > anyone interested in looking at the following problem. > > if you can give me a good reason why this is not homework I'd love to > hear it...I just don't see how this is a real problem. > >

Re: code challenge: generate minimal expressions using only digits 1,2,3

2009-02-20 Thread Trip Technician
On 20 Feb, 16:02, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote: > Trip Technician writes: > > I have a dim intuition that it could be done with a very clever bit of > > recursion, but the exact form so far eludes me. > > This sounds a little like a homework assig

code challenge: generate minimal expressions using only digits 1,2,3

2009-02-20 Thread Trip Technician
anyone interested in looking at the following problem. we are trying to express numbers as minimal expressions using only the digits one two and three, with conventional arithmetic. so for instance 33 = 2^(3+2)+1 = 3^3+(3*2) are both minimal, using 4 digits but 33 = ((3+2)*2+1)*3 using 5 is no