Re: [cairo] Rendering SVG with libRSVG,Python ... CTYPES SUCCESS AT LAST!!!

2008-09-02 Thread Tim Grove
Dependency Walker to ensure it's finding the dll dependencies in that directory. ~Gerdus On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Tim Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: In the recipe found at, the intro reads: "Normally it's e

Re: [ctypes-users] ctypes - loading 'librsvg-2-2.dll'

2008-09-02 Thread Tim Grove
aths "seem" to be okay, but there must still be something that I'm missing. Tim Martin (gzlist) wrote: On 26/08/2008, Tim Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Any ideas why a particular dll won't load on Windows XP Pro using ctypes? I'm going to take

ctypes - loading 'librsvg-2-2.dll'

2008-08-26 Thread Tim Grove
Any ideas why a particular dll won't load on Windows XP Pro using ctypes? The dll in question is 'librsvg-2-2.dll' (a link if anyone cares to try!!! The other dlls from the GTK libraries seem to load okay, so I'm more than puzzled!! I

Re: SQLite and Python 2.4

2008-07-07 Thread Tim Grove
There is an "SQLite Manager" add-on for Firefox which is pretty neat. Have a look at Might be useful to you! Tim Steffen Mutter wrote: Hi Joe! Am Tue, 01 Jul 2008 17:51:35 -0700 schrieb Joe Goldthwaite: I'm confused.

manipulating movie files with Python

2008-07-03 Thread Tim Grove
I would like to write a python script which could take a movie file name (avi, mov, mpg) along with a start and stop time as parameters, and return to me a new movie file just containing that section of the original which I'm interested in. Is there a Python library which could already perform