Re: How to detect if a file is executable on Windows?

2019-02-19 Thread Stephane Wirtel
a file and determine if the file is a binary because on Windows, the executable files start with b'MZ'. But I wanted an elegant and minimalist solution. Thank you for your proposal. Have a nice day, Stéphane On 02/18, Igor Korot wrote: Hi, On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 7:26 AM Steph

How to detect if a file is executable on Windows?

2019-02-19 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, on Linux/Unix/BSD, we can detect if a file is an executable with os.access(path, os.X_OK) but this is not the case on Windows. Do you have an idea? Have a nice day, Stéphane -- Stéphane Wirtel - - @matrixise --

Re: image in db to string to actual image

2018-08-03 Thread Stephane Wirtel
And what is your database? Maybe there is an API for the blob field On 08/02, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote: storing images in db is easy but to retrieve them natively how to? (ignore db type, using orm). meaning without PIL / Pillow. type : png like i'd like to have it as string, any idea ?

Re: How to embed a native JIT compiler to a django app?

2018-01-28 Thread Stephane Wirtel via Python-list
On 01/27, Etienne Robillard wrote: Hi, I want to compile a Django application into a C source file and embed a JIT compiler into the binary. Is there any way of doing this with llvm/clang? Hi Etienne, I think no, Django will use Python and this one is interpreted. Answer, no... Now, you

Re: Python Events in 2017, Need your help.

2017-02-08 Thread Stephane Wirtel via Python-list
Thank you, with your help, we have added events on the t-shirt. Now, Could you just add them on ? Have a nice day, Stephane On 9 Jan 2017, at 10:54, Stephane Wirtel via Python-list wrote: Dear Community, For the PythonFOSDEM [1] on 4th and 5th February in Belgium, I would

Call for Volunteers at PythonFOSDEM 2017

2017-02-01 Thread Stephane Wirtel via Python-list
# Introduction The Python Community will be represented during FOSDEM 2017 with the Python Devrooms. This year, we will have two devrooms, the first one for 150 people on Saturday and the second one for 450 people on Sunday, it's really cool because we had accepted 24 talks instead of 16. Thi

Re: Python

2017-01-25 Thread Stephane Wirtel via Python-list
Come to PythonFosdem we will offer some beers on 4 & 5 feb in Brussels > On 25 Jan 2017, at 15:46, Joaquin Alzola wrote: > > > >> Need help > I need a beer > > Put your question in the mailing list I think you can get the help needed. > This email is confidenti

Python Events in 2017, Need your help.

2017-01-09 Thread Stephane Wirtel via Python-list
event. If you think there is a missing event, please, send me the info via [email]( or via my [twitter account]( and I will add it on my slides. I would like to present your event. Thank you so much for your help. Stephane Wirtel [1]

Last call for the Call For Proposals of PythonFOSDEM 2017

2016-12-16 Thread Stephane Wirtel via Python-list
Hello, this week-end is the last two days for the Call For Proposals of PythonFOSDEM 2017. We have received a lot of topics, but if you want to become a speaker and that you have a very cool topic to submit, please don't hesite and send us your proposal. Deadline is 2016-12-18. Stephane Cal

Last call for the Call For Proposals of PythonFOSDEM 2017

2016-11-29 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Because the deadline is imminent and because we have only received some proposals, we will extend the current deadline. The new submission deadline is 2016-12-18. Call For Proposals == This is the official call for sessions for the Python devroom at FOSDEM 2017. FOSDEM is the Fr

Re: Writing library documentation?

2016-10-17 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Please, could you read this part: Thank you On 10/16, wrote: Is there a standard or best way to write documentation for a particular python library? I'd mostly target HTML, I guess. Thanks! Tobiah -- https:

Re: py.test/tox InvocationError

2016-10-17 Thread Stephane Wirtel
You have a conflict with the installed version and the need version of coverage. Just fix that. On 10/16, D.M. Procida wrote: When I run: py.test --cov=akestra_utilities --cov=akestra_image_plugin --cov=chaining --cov=contacts_and_people --cov=housekeeping --cov=links --cov=news_and_events -

Re: problem installinf python

2016-08-02 Thread Stephane Wirtel
And if you uninstall it and reinstall it after ? On 08/02, wrote: Hi. I'm having trouble installing Python on my computer. My computer is a 64-bit Dell desktop running Windows 8.1. A screen message claimed that I installed Python 3.5.2 (64 bit), but when I try to run

Re: Python Print Error

2016-07-28 Thread Stephane Wirtel
In fact, the issue is well defined, "Missing parentheses in call to 'print'", in this case, you have to add the parentheses when you call 'print'. print("In Python3, you must to add the parentheses") On 07/28, Cai Gengyang wrote: How to debug this ? print "This line will be printed." Sy

Re: ftplib throws: IndexError: tuple index out of range

2016-02-14 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi Antoon, EINTR, is an error when there is an emited signal to your process. Look for EINTR in this page On 02/14, Antoon Pardon wrote: I have written a small backup program, that uses ftplib to make remote backups. However recentely the progr

Syntax Highlightning for C API of CPython in VIM

2016-02-08 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi everyone, With my talk "Exploring our Python Interpreter", I think this VIM plugin can be useful for the community. It's a syntax highlighter for the C API of CPython 3.5 and 3.6. I used Clang for the parsing and automatically generated the keywords for VIM. PyObject and the others typede

New mailing for Python in Belgium

2016-02-08 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hello everyone, I would like to announce a new mailing list for the Belgian Python Users. This main goal of this mailing list is mainly for the Python Community of Belgium, Dutch, French and German. The main language is English, I don’t want to discuss about the languages, maybe in the futur

Schedule of PythonFOSDEM 2016

2016-01-08 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, Just to inform you that there is the PythonFOSDEM on 30th January and the PythonFOSDEM will have a room of 363 seats for the #python community. PythonFOSDEM is the name of the room for the Python community at FOSDEM. FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and

Deadline for PythonFOSDEM 2016 is today.

2015-12-20 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Just inform you that the deadline for the CfP of the PythonFOSDEM will finish this evening. If you have a last talk to submit, please do it. Call For Proposals == This is the official call for sessions for the Python devroom at FOSDEM 2016. FOSDEM is the Free and Open source So

Urgent: Last call for the CfP of PythonFOSDEM 2016

2015-12-15 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all Because the deadline is imminent and because we have only received some proposals, we have extended the current deadline. The new submission deadline is 2015-12-20. Call For Proposals == This is the official call for sessions for the Python devroom at FOSDEM 2016. FOSDEM

Urgent: Last call for the CfP of PythonFOSDEM 2016

2015-12-15 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all Because the deadline is imminent and because we have only received some proposals, we have extended the current deadline. The new submission deadline is 2015-12-20. Call For Proposals == This is the official call for sessions for the Python devroom at FOSDEM 2016. FOSDEM

Re: print("%.2f" % total)

2015-11-21 Thread Stephane Wirtel
print the two digits after the point. On 11/21, Cai Gengyang wrote: > > meal = 44.50 > tax = 0.0675 > tip = 0.15 > > meal = meal + meal * tax > total = meal + meal * tip > > print("%.2f" % total) > > What do the lines inside the parentheses in this statement print("%.2f" % > total) mean ?

Re: Mapping between python packages and distro packages?

2015-11-20 Thread Stephane Wirtel
> I don't know how the program would detect it, but I'd be thinking "the > one where 'sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME' gets the same code that > 'pip install THING' gets". In a lot of cases, PACKAGENAME will simply > be python-THING or python3-THING, eg python3-sqlalchemy, > python3-scipy, python3

Re: Mapping between python packages and distro packages?

2015-11-20 Thread Stephane Wirtel
ke it because I risk to break the linux distribution (the target) and use the wheel package. On 11/18, Ben Finney wrote: > Stephane Wirtel writes: > > > Do you know if there is a library to match a python package (from PyPI) > > and find the right debian/redhat packages ? > > W

Mapping between python packages and distro packages?

2015-11-17 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi, Do you know if there is a library to match a python package (from PyPI) and find the right debian/redhat packages ? Thank you, Stephane -- Stéphane Wirtel - - @matrixise --

Re: [Python-Dev] [RELEASED] Python 3.5.0b4 is now available

2015-07-26 Thread Stephane Wirtel
\o/ > On 26 juil. 2015, at 4:37 PM, Larry Hastings wrote: > > > On behalf of the Python development community and the Python 3.5 release > team, I'm delighted to announce the availability of Python 3.5.0b4. Python > 3.5.0b4 is scheduled to be the last beta release; the next release will be

Re: Remove comma from tuples in python.

2014-02-20 Thread Stephane Wirtel
This is just a tuple of integers and not a tuple of tuples of integers, the parentheses around the number is just there for the evaluation. > On 21 févr. 2014, at 08:02 AM, Mircescu Andrei > wrote: > > vineri, 21 februarie 2014, 08:49:01 UTC+2, Jaydeep Patil a scris: >> I am getting below tu

Re: python adsl script

2014-01-14 Thread Stephane Wirtel
+1 > On 14 janv. 2014, at 06:30 PM, Denis McMahon wrote: > >> On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 09:27:07 -0800, ngangsia akumbo wrote: >> >> what about a python script that can retrieve my entire isp setting from >> my adsl router. > >> Any ideas > > This is probably possible using telnet, so it should b

Python @ FOSDEM 2014 - Call For Proposals

2013-11-17 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, This is the official call for sessions for the FOSDEM 2014 [1] Python Devroom. For this edition, Python will be represented by its Community. If you want to discuss with a lot of Python Users, it's the place to be in February ! Like every year, FOSDEM [1] will take place the first week-e

Re: How pickle helps in reading huge files?

2013-10-16 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Keep it in memory > On 16 oct. 2013, at 08:55 AM, Harsh Jha wrote: > > I've a huge csv file and I want to read stuff from it again and again. Is it > useful to pickle it and keep and then unpickle it whenever I need to use that > data? Is it faster that accessing that file simply by opening i

Best Practices with Python

2013-03-01 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, How are you ? me ? fine ;-) I have a lot of questions about the development with Python. I want to discuss about the tools for the enhancement of the quality of a project, not about the debugging (I don't want to discuss about pdb, ipdb, pudb, ...) I use these tools 1. Documentation

Re: Is Python programming language?

2013-02-08 Thread Stephane Wirtel
* gmspro [2013-02-08 05:03:51 -0800]: > Hello all, > > One said, Python is not programming language, rather scripting language, is > that true? > > Thanks. > > -- > What's the difference ? OpenERP is written with Pytho

Re: Random and fork

2013-02-07 Thread Stephane Wirtel
* Julien Le Goff [2013-02-06 08:28:24 -0800]: > Hi everyone, > > Today I came accross a behaviour I did not expect in python (I am using 2.7). > In my program, random.random() always seemed to return the same number; it > turned out to be related to the fact that I was using os.fork. > > See

Re: Thorough Python 2.7.3 Windows Build Documentation?

2013-01-21 Thread Stephane Wirtel
* Irmen de Jong [2013-01-21 19:22:55 +0100]: > On 21-1-2013 18:16, Stephane Wirtel wrote: > > Hi Leonard, > > > > Please, could you limit your text to 80 columns, because it's > > unreadable. Your text is too long :( > > Stephane, shouldn't your new

Re: Thorough Python 2.7.3 Windows Build Documentation?

2013-01-21 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi Leonard, Please, could you limit your text to 80 columns, because it's unreadable. Your text is too long :( Thank you in advance. Stéphane * Leonard, Arah [2013-01-17 15:29:28 +]: > Hello fellow Python programmers, > > I'm building a 32-bit CPython 2.7.3 distro for Windows using the M

Question about RADIXCHAR on Win32

2009-10-07 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, I have a problem with locale.RADIXCHAR, it seems this constant isn't defined on the Windows platform. Is there a way to use an equivalent of locale.RADIXCHAR ? Thank you Stephane -- Stephane Wirtel - "As OpenERP is OpenSource, please feel free to contribute." Develop

Decode a barcode ?

2009-06-24 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, I would like to know if there is a way to decode a barcode with a library ? Thank you so much, Stephane -- Stephane Wirtel - "As OpenERP is OpenSource, please feel free to contribute." Developper - Technical Lecturer OpenERP OpenERP - Tiny SPRL Chaussee de Namur, 40 B-1367

OpenERP 5.0 - Fully developed with Python

2009-02-10 Thread Stephane Wirtel LaunchPad Project: -- Stephane Wirtel - "As OpenERP is OpenSource, please feel free to contribute." Developper - Technical Instructor OpenERP OpenERP - Tiny SPRL Chaussee de Namur, 40 B-1367 Gerompont Tel: + Web: http://www.tin