On Jul 18, 6:21 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:05 PM, srikanth wrote:
> > Ex:http://www.google.com- Pass/Fail.
> What do you mean by "Pass" or "Fail"? If you send a URL to a web
> browser, all you'll find out is whether or no
Hi All,
I am new to python. Before posting i have done some google regarding
my question. But i didn't get exact information. So thought of
it here. I want to open a list of urls in browser that too in same
window with out exiting. it should load one by one on same window and
also it should
Dear All,
I Have certain clarification in python CGI.
I use Python IDLE
*1. How do we execute CGI Scripts in Windows?
2. How do i configure the Server?(If i use WAMP,XAMPP)
3. Is mod_python required for python cgi?
Someone Please revert back to me with the solution for the same.I would be
list.remove(item) removes the first item from the list, but how do I
say to remove a particular index from a list without using it's value?
Let's say I have 4 items in my list as
>>> li = ["sri", "s", "srikanth", "s"]
Thanks Steve, Cyril and Peter.
> This, or not reading the tutorial.
> http://docs.python.org/tut/node7.html#SECTION00720
> Peter
I read this 2 months ago and I expected it to be a method of list, but
I sound like I am making an excuse. Thanks a lot.
ut I didn't notice or rather
overlooked __init__.py file it created automatically when I created
packages using the dialogs.
> Gabriel Genellina
Thanks you Gabriel!
-- Srikanth
dir1.dir1_1 import mod1
ImportError: No module named dir1.dir1_1
All I need is a good IDE, I can't find something like Eclipse (JDT).
Eclipse has a Python IDE plug-in but it's not that great. Please