On Wed, 12 Jan 2022 09:28:16 +1100,
Cameron Simpson wrote:
> Personally I'd be inclined to put long identical examples in the class
> docstring instead of the method, but that may not be appropriate.
Good point, and perhaps it's best to put a comprehensive example in the
class docstring,
I am searching for a mechanism for sharing data across Examples sections
in docstrings within a class. For instance:
class Foo:
def foo(self):
"""Method foo title
The example generating data below may be much more laborious.
On Sat, 01 Aug 2015 15:30:34 +1000,
Ben Finney wrote:
> Seb writes:
>> With lots of debugging to do, the last thing I'd want is to worry
>> about the search path.
> Short answer: you need ‘python3 ./setup.py develop’.
> Medium-length answer: you need to add some infrastructure to get your
> pr