Re: __getattr__ Confusion

2013-02-04 Thread Saul Spatz
return Adder(self.x+other.x) def __getattr__(self, name): print(name) raise AttributeError like a sensible person. Saul On Monday, February 4, 2013 8:15:47 AM UTC-6, Peter Otten wrote: > Saul Spatz wrote: > > > > > Now I have another question. If dunder methods are look

Re: __getattr__ Confusion

2013-02-04 Thread Saul Spatz
On Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:35:30 PM UTC-6, Steven D'Aprano wrote: > On Sun, 03 Feb 2013 17:08:47 -0800, Saul Spatz wrote: > > > > > I don't understand what's going on at all. Can't I dynamically define > > > __getattr__? How should I go

__getattr__ Confusion

2013-02-03 Thread Saul Spatz
To the good people on comp.lang.python: I have the following Tkinter class (python 2.7.3): from Tkinter import * class ScrolledCanvas(Frame): def __init__(self, master, width, height, bg, cursor): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.__nonzero__ = lambda: True canv = self.canvas = Can

Re: pymysql only works under IDLE

2012-01-16 Thread Saul Spatz
Thanks a lot; I didn't know about sys.executable. For the record, IDLE is running pythonw.exe. I won't have a chance to test if this helps till tomorrow, unfortunately. --

pymysql only works under IDLE

2012-01-16 Thread Saul Spatz
I've been using pymysql to connect to a database, and it has suddenly stopped working on the one machine (a virtual server) where I really need it to work. I have a function with hard-coded parameters to do the connection, and now I'm getting an error that says, "Can't connect to MySQL server o

Re: Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-25 Thread Saul Spatz
Thanks, that a great link. --

Re: Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-25 Thread Saul Spatz
Yes, the tuple is certainly easier to read. Thanks again. --

Re: Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-25 Thread Saul Spatz
That doesn't work, I'm being stupid, The user might type anywhere in the string, not just at the end. I need return all([c in '1234567890abcdefABCDEF ' for c in after]) --

Re: Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-25 Thread Saul Spatz
Thanks so much, this is great. I want to validate that the user is entering a string appropriate for bytes.fromhex. Here's how I modified your validate funtion: def validate(before, after): print(before, "-->", after) #return after.isdigit() return after[-1] in '1234567890abcdefABC

Re: Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-24 Thread Saul Spatz
I want to interface to the native validation of tk. If you don't know what that is, you're unlikely to be able to help me. --

Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-24 Thread Saul Spatz
In tcl/tk an Entry widget can be set to validate its contents with the validate option. You have to give it a validatecommand (vcmd), which is a tcl script that runs when some action triggers validation. Usually, the script would use "percent substitutions" so the script would be something lik

Re: Unicode codepoints

2011-06-22 Thread Saul Spatz
Thanks very much. This is the elegant kind of solution I was looking for. I had hoped there was a way to do it without even addressing the matter of surrogates, but apparently not. The reason I don't like this is that it depends on knowing that python internally stores strings in UTF-16. I e

Re: Unicode codepoints

2011-06-22 Thread Saul Spatz
Thanks. I agree with you about the generator. Using your first suggestion, code points above U+ get separated into two "surrogate pair" characters fron UTF-16. So instead of U=10 I get U+DBFF and U+DFFF. --

Re: Tkinter/scrollbar/canvas question

2011-06-21 Thread Saul Spatz
It works if you change it like so: from tkinter import * class ShowList(Frame): def __init__(self, root): Frame.__init__(self, root) self.grid() self.draw_widgets() def draw_widgets(self): cframe = Frame(self)

Re: Tkinter/scrollbar/canvas question

2011-06-21 Thread Saul Spatz
This is the third time I've tried to post this reply. If you see multiple answers from me, that's why. Your script will work if you change it like so: from tkinter import * class ShowList(Frame): def __init__(self, root): Frame.__init__(self, root) self.g

Re: Tkinter/scrollbar/canvas question

2011-06-21 Thread Saul Spatz
It works if you change it like so: from tkinter import * class ShowList(Frame): def __init__(self, root): Frame.__init__(self, root) self.grid() self.draw_widgets() def draw_widgets(self): cframe = Frame(self)

Unicode codepoints

2011-06-21 Thread Saul Spatz
Hi, I'm just starting to learn a bit about Unicode. I want to be able to read a utf-8 encoded file, and print out the codepoints it encodes. After many false starts, here's a script that seems to work, but it strikes me as awfully awkward and unpythonic. Have you a better way? def codePoints

Where is the Demo Directory in Python 3.2?

2011-06-02 Thread Saul Spatz
The documentation refers to the Demo directory in the source. I've downloaded the source tarball for python 3.2 and there's no such directory. I downloaded the source for python 2.7 to check, and the Demo directory is present. Has the directory been moved, renamed or eliminated in 3.2? Thank

Re: regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread Saul Spatz
On Nov 25, 8:40 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote: > Hy guys, > > I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of > line '$'. > > import re > > ex1 = 'sumthin,' > ex2 = 'sumthin' > m1 = re.match('(?P\S+),', ex1) > m2 = re.match('(?P\S+)$', ex2) > m3 = re.match('(?P\S+)[,$]', ex

PyQt Installation Problem on Windows

2010-11-24 Thread Saul Spatz
Hi, I've been trying to install PyQt on Windows XP Pro so that I can try out eric ide. I used the binary windows installer for PyQt. I can run eric as administrator, but not with my ordinary user account. By running eric.bat with the --debug flag, I found that he crux of the problem is that if

Double Clicking on .pyw File Doesn't Work in Windows 7

2010-10-05 Thread Saul Spatz
When I double-click on a file with a .pyw extension, nothing appears to happen. Control panel shows that pythonw is associated with this extension, and if I right-click on the filename, the program suggested to open it is pythonw.exe. If I make a desktop shortcut with the target pythonw.exe myScr

Re: after_cancel?

2009-04-18 Thread Saul Spatz
W. eWatson wrote: I'm looking a program that I'm not real familiar with that uses an after_cancel method and after_id variable. Are they related to some particular widget and what is there function? Perhaps they are related to a Cancel button on a widget?

Re: How to write a simple shell loop in python?

2009-01-20 Thread Saul Spatz
Dietrich Bollmann wrote: Hi, I am trying to write a simple shell loop in Python. My simple approach works fine - but the first output line after entering something is always indented by one blank. Is there any logic explanation for this? How can I get rid of the blank? Is there a smarter

Problem with 3.0 Install on Windows

2009-01-20 Thread Saul Spatz
I'm running python 2.5.x on Windows XP, and I installed 3.0, just to get familiar with it. I have a directory with all my python projects in my PYTHONPATH variable. When I try to run python 3.0, it detects a syntax error (a print statement) in the first file in this directory, and crashes. I

Re: recursion in Class-methods?

2008-06-26 Thread Saul Spatz
defn noob wrote: if start == end: return path if not self.dictionary.has_key(start): if start not in self.dictionnary: return None for node in self.dictionary[start]: if node not in path: newpath = find_path

Re: Question: How do I format printing in python

2008-06-23 Thread Saul Spatz
format the strings: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi All, How do I format printed data in python? I could not find this in the Python Reference Manual: Nor could I find it in Matloff's great tutorial: h

Re: Trying to Learn Packages

2008-06-22 Thread Saul Spatz
Cédric Lucantis wrote: Le Sunday 22 June 2008 16:07:37 Saul Spatz, vous avez écrit : Hi, I'm making a project into my first package, mainly for organization, but also to learn how to do it. I have a number of data files, both experimental results and PNG files. My project is organized

Trying to Learn Packages

2008-06-22 Thread Saul Spatz
Hi, I'm making a project into my first package, mainly for organization, but also to learn how to do it. I have a number of data files, both experimental results and PNG files. My project is organized as a root directory, with two subdirectories, src and data, and directory trees below them.

Re: Learning Python: Code critique please

2008-06-22 Thread Saul Spatz
macoovacany wrote: When I tried to run it, I got all kinds of syntax errors because of non-ASCII characters; namely, you have fancy left and right single and double quotes. Once I replaced these with the ASCII equivalents, it worked fine. I suggest you use a