I am accustomed to vi my pthon scripts with 'tab' indent. But when I
copy some code to my script, the indent may be 'spaces'. So I wanna a
way to substitute those 'spaces' to be 'tabs' conveniently.
For example, I:
expand -t4 test.py >/tmp/test2.py
vi /tmp/test2.py
Then in vim, the indents should
python unzip
At first, I tried to use 'os.popen3("unzip ...") like this:
fin, fout, ferr = os.popen3("unzip -o -d %s %s" % (dest, zipfile))
strerr = ferr.read()
# This makes the program hanging up
if strerr:
print >> sys.stderr, strerr
I want to know is this caused by
Well, I think I must have more explanation on my script. The script's
usage is like this:
~# fs_backup
Lack of backup identity name
program usage: fs_backup [OPTIONS] $identity
-a|--append [t/x[L]:$path, append 1 dir or file to $identity
t/x: include/exclude list, as -T/-X
I wonder is there any way to make the wrapper program can wrap options
&& arguments for the the subprocess/command the wrapper will
execute? by getopt or optparse module?
This is something like the shell script like this:
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
-a) do-something; s