Re: usage of python

2008-05-14 Thread Rajarshi
Thanks to the all posters. This will be very useful! --

Re: usage of python

2008-05-14 Thread Rajarshi
On May 13, 6:57 pm, afrobeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > If I were you, I'd show them actual code and how easy it is to get > things done. Showing them how to implement a GTalk Bot[http:// >] or how to build simple arcade games > with PyGame[

usage of python

2008-05-13 Thread Rajarshi
e not necessarily 'hackers', I'm trying to look for examples with a bit of wow-factor. Is there any list with people/groups/companies using Python for impressive things? Any pointers would be appreciated Thanks, Rajarshi --

extracting Javadocs using Python

2008-01-11 Thread Rajarshi
Hi, I work on a Java project and I was thinking out creating a hook in the subversion repo for the project that would check whether a class and it's associated methods were documented with Javadocs. Since I have written Subversion hooks for other purposes in Python, I'd like to try and do this tas

mod_python, ElementTree and Aapche 2.0

2007-10-27 Thread Rajarshi
Hi, this is a slightly vague question but I'm really puzzled as to when I write a mod_python (3.1.3) program that makes use of ElementTree and call it via a URL, the program simply stops when I do something like s = # some XML document in a string root = XML(s) There is no exception at all - the

Re: ElementTree find with xmlns

2007-10-12 Thread Rajarshi
On Oct 12, 11:19 pm, cakebread <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm having problems parsing a file: > > >>> tree = ElementTree.fromstring(""" >>> xmlns=""; > >>> xmlns:rdf=""; > >>> xmlns:rdfs="

Re: 0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-26 Thread Rajarshi
Thanks a lot for all the responses --

0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-23 Thread Rajarshi
>>> [] == False False Could anybody point out why this is the case? Thanks, Rajarshi --

progress indicator in a mod_python script

2007-05-17 Thread Rajarshi
Hi, I have a web application built using mod_python.Currently it behaves like a standard CGI - gets data from a form, performs a query on a backend database and presents a HTML page. However the query can sometimes take a bit of time and I'd like to show the user some form of indeterminate progres

Adding an XML fragment as a child node in a pre-existing Element tree

2007-02-11 Thread Rajarshi
RSSitem as a child node? Or is there a smarter way to do this? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Rajarshi --

removing the header from a gzip'd string

2006-12-21 Thread Rajarshi
Hi, I have some code that takes a string and obtains a compressed version using zlib.compress Does anybody know how I can remove the header portion of the compressed bytes, such that I only have the compressed data remaining? (Obviously I do not intend to perform the decompression!) Thanks, --

ElementTree : parse string input

2006-07-06 Thread rajarshi . guha
string and then giving that to parse(). But that does not seem to work. Any pointers to getting ElementTree to parse from a string would be appreciated (of course I could dump it to a temp file, but that doesn't seem elegent) Thanks, Rajarshi --

Re: iterate over a series of nodes in an XML file

2006-07-05 Thread rajarshi . guha
Stefan Behnel wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > I have an XML file which contains entries of the form: > > > > > > 1 > > 2 > > > > 1 > > Thanks to everybody for the pointers. ElementTree is what I ended up using and my looks like this (based on the ElementTree tutorial code):

iterate over a series of nodes in an XML file

2006-07-05 Thread rajarshi . guha
iated Thanks, Rajarshi --

packaging a python project and associated graphics files

2005-10-03 Thread Rajarshi Guha
Hi, I've been trying to package a python project and I'm a little confused about how I distribute some PNG's that the program uses as icons. Using distutils I can set the data_files argument of setup() and get my data files located in, say, /usr/local/mydata. However when I write my code, it woul

accesing pages (or ranges of pages) via Reportlab

2005-04-18 Thread Rajarshi Guha
if anybody could provide any pointers to extracting pages from a PDF via Python without using pdflatex Thanks, Rajarshi --