Get a Joke in Python. Pyjokes - is a python library / module for one line joke
program based on programmers. You can get funny one-liner random jokes at every
run also available in following " languages " & " categories ". Supported
Languages By Pyjokes English — ‘en’ Spanish — ‘es’ Italian — ‘i
Before we proceed let me make it clear we are not scraping tags from any
We will "Generate" them using simple code in python.
So, How does it work?
I have collected all popular tags and saved it in a text file as list.
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How to Create Upside Down text in Python!!!
This is a very simple yet very interesting program in python.
We are going to make our text, word or string UPSIDE DOWN which will be still
readable on phone or desktop if you stand on your head lol.
But any ways... lets do a little research first.