Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-09 Thread PofN
Xah Lee wrote: [the usual toff-topic trolling stuff] Shit, da troll is back. Abuse reports need to go to abuse [] and abuse [] this time. --

Xah Lee network abuse

2006-05-24 Thread PofN
Xah Lee wrote: > I'm sorry to trouble everyone. Liar. You were never sorry when you troubled us with your posting excrements in the past, you are not sorry now. > But as you might know, due to my > controversial writings and style, Liar. You are a net abuser, a kook and a troll. It has nothing

Re: Software Needs Less Idiots

2006-05-21 Thread PofN
Xah Lee wrote: > Software needs philosophers. No, software neds less idiots. So please take your medication and change profession. --

Re: Xah's Edu Corner: The Concepts and Confusions of Pre-fix, In-fix, Post-fix and Fully Functional Notations

2006-03-17 Thread PofN
Dinko Tenev wrote: > If only someone could persuade this guy to stay away from CS... I still hope that at some point in time he will manage to tender his nomination for the darvin award. You can't rationalize with that troll, because there is nothing between his ears capable of catching a clue. -