Grabbing latest python that does work. Good we're about to get out of the
stone ages a bit here.
So findings:
Syslog - works in 3.10, broken against monterey in 3.6.
Logging.Handlers.Sysloghandler - is broken in both against Monterey.
Will bug it for the tracker. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm probably asking on the wrong list, and probably should bother wherever
apple's ASL experts live for changes in monterey. Guess nobody else is
seeing this?
The same exact code is working just fine on OSX Big Sur, but on OSX
Monterey it doesn't work at all. Users that haven't updated are havi
Thanks. Had tried it with no address, which defaults to ('localhost',
'514') as well as address='/var/run/syslog' which had been working
previously, and the doc recommends as:
For example, on Linux it’s usually ‘/dev/log’ but on OS/X it’s
‘/var/run/syslog’. You’ll need to check your platform and u
First time mailing and looking for help/guidance. Hopefully not too in the
wrong place.
We've had an app with logging to a /var/log for many years through
logging.sysloghandler. Recently, though, I noticed that it suddenly was
getting no logs whatsoever over there and investigated, belie