>image or a plot.
What would be the proper way to approach it. How to make communication between
two scripts?
Thank you.
Petro Khoroshyy
Institute of Biophysics
Biological Research Center of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Temesvari krt. 62, P.O.Box 521
Szeged, Hungary, H-6701
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program
Petro Khoroshyy
Institute of Biophysics
Biological Research Center of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Temesvari krt. 62, P.O.Box 521
Szeged, Hungary, H-6701
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program
Petro Khoroshyy
Institute of Biophysics
Biological Research Center of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Temesvari krt. 62, P.O.Box 521
Szeged, Hungary, H-6701
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program