Re: standalone python web server

2007-12-27 Thread Panos Laganakos
On Dec 27, 7:41 am, eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi all, > > I want to setup simple python web server and I want it to just unzip > and run, without any installation steps (have no right to do it). > > I've tried to write by myself, however, I find I am getting into more > details like process

Abstract the storage of an app

2006-07-31 Thread Panos Laganakos
Hello, I'm trying to think of an OO way to abstract the storage of an application I am working on. The classes are (example): FamilyMember (base class) Family (container class) I've been thinking of using a FamilyDoc class to interface the Family container class to a storage location (particula

Method acting on arguements passed

2006-05-05 Thread Panos Laganakos
I want a class method to take action depending on the type of the arguement passed to it. ie: getBook(id) # get the book by ID getBook(name) # get the book by name ... Other languages use the term function/method overloading to cope with this. And when I googled about it seems that GvR is testing

Re: Python 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 transition issue

2006-05-04 Thread Panos Laganakos
Heh, Frederic, It seems that its Lilypond's ( fault. It registered its bin directory in the PATH variable, which seems to contain a python.exe too. So the result of: >>>import sys; sys.executable 'D:\\Program Files\\LilyPond\\usr\\bin\\python.exe' As for the instances of python24

Python 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 transition issue

2006-05-04 Thread Panos Laganakos
OS: Windows XP + SP1 On this particular box, I hadn't moved to 2.4.3 yet. So, earlier today, I uninstalled Python2.4.2 and installed 2.4.3 using the .msi installer. It seems though everything looked great, that when I invoke 'python' from the command line, I get Python2.4.2 (as the header states)

Setting a module package to use new-style classes

2006-05-01 Thread Panos Laganakos
Is there a way to have a whole module package use the new-style classes, without having to specify it per module-file or even worse, per class definition? Maybe by declaring the __metaclass__ in the module's --

Re: OOP techniques in Python

2006-04-27 Thread Panos Laganakos
Thanks for all the useful answers :) Alot of stuff to take into consideration/chew on. I come up with similar drawbacks now and then, 'cause some OOP techniques can be made in Python relatively simpler or plainly different (still simpler though). Though I am hesitant on how to act on certain occas

OOP techniques in Python

2006-04-27 Thread Panos Laganakos
I've been thinking if there's a point in applying some specific OOP techniques in Python as we do in other languages. i.e. we usually define private properties and provide public functions to access them, in the form of: get { ... } set { ... } Should we do the same in Python: self.__privateAttr

Re: Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-27 Thread Panos Laganakos
Unfortunately I'm familiar with the generator concept, I'll look into it though, 'cause it saved me at least once already :) Thanks mate. --

Unpacking a list of strings

2006-04-27 Thread Panos Laganakos
Is there some other practice than reading all the strings and slicing them later? They're stored in the form of: List Group[10]: char[17] name; So I thought of doing: unpacked = unpack('%s' % (10*17), data) And then slicing the list by a step of 17. Is there some way to have unpack return a

Re: Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-26 Thread Panos Laganakos
Fredrik, thanks alot. Your preposition worked like a charm, plus I got to learn how to reverse an inner for loop using list comprehensions :) What I don't understand is what are you doing with *(...), this is supposed to pack its contents as a list? --

Re: Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-24 Thread Panos Laganakos
Just came up with this: litemp = [] [litemp.extend(i) for i in li] Seems to give me a list with all the inner elements of li, not sure if struct.pack will accept it now, but I'll give it a try. --

Packing a list of lists with struct.pack()

2006-04-24 Thread Panos Laganakos
Hello, I have a list that includes lists of integers, in the form of: li = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], ...] packed = struct.pack(str(len(li)*3)+'i', li) The frmt part is right, as I'm multiplying by 3, 'cause each inner list has 3 elements. What can I do to get li as a single list of integers? I tr

Re: Passing data attributes as method parameters

2006-04-23 Thread Panos Laganakos
Thanks Ben. What does it mean that they're statically bound? It seems weird that I'm not able to access variables in the class namespace even though these attributes come into existance after class instantiation. --

Passing data attributes as method parameters

2006-04-23 Thread Panos Laganakos
Hello, I'd like to know how its possible to pass a data attribute as a method parameter. Something in the form of: class MyClass: def __init__(self): self.a = 10 self.b = '20' def my_method(self, param1=self.a, param2=self.b): pass Seems to produce a NameError o