I am not a professional programmer but I use Python regularly for custom
scripts (and plot with matplotlib). I have just learned VBA for Excel: what I
found amazing was their editor: it is able to suggest on the spot all the
methods an object support and there is a well-integrated debugger. I wo
eryk sun wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Olive
> wrote:
> > I am here on Linux.
> > ...
> > Note that if it is possible I would prefer that the launched command see
> > its standard
> > output connected to a terminal
> Try pexpect.
I am here on Linux. I want to launch a process just like os.system, (output to
a terminal in an unbuffered way so as to support interaction) and at the same
time capturing the output of the process (analogous to the Unix tee command). I
have found some tricks on the web, but is it a standard way
device file).
But we could also want to interact with an interactive program or a socket,
se it is observed (or not observed.)
I think it simplify some arithmetic. How many element contain a[2:5]?
Answer 5-2=3. And a[:5] contain the first 5 elements.
Tanks a lot!
The algorithm to write such a function is trivial but there are a lot of mark
we can put on a letter. It would be necessary to have the list of "a"'s with
something on it. i.e. "à,á,ã", etc. and this for every letter. Trying to make
such a list b
PyGTK, the pip command just hang when
trying to download it. What is going on? Maybe a misconfigured server? Is there
anything that I can do?
t; print(num,max)
I have tried to run your program with pypy (Python git compiler)
(http://pypy.org/), it runs about 15x faster (8 sec instead of 2m2sec in my old
Celeron M420 computer).
is confusing in the
first case. What's the proper way of making an object non hashable?
My goal is to write a script that 1) write something to stdout; then
fork into the background, closing the stdout (and stderr, stdin) pipe.
I have found this answer (forking -> setsid -> forking)
However the standard output of the child is still connected to
Nick Cash wrote:
> > In python2, this work if "something" is a regular file on the
> > system as well as a remote URL. The 2to3 script convert this to
> > urllib.request.urlopen. But it does not work anymore if "something"
> > is just a file name.
> >
> > My aim is to let the user specify a "file
My aim is to let the user specify a "file" on the command line and have
something that works, whatever the "file " actually is: a regular file,
an http url, etc...
Thank you for all yours answers. There are very usefull!
mentation on what an http proxy is supposed to implement.
On 05 Jul 2012 11:55:33 GMT
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Jul 2012 12:29:24 +0200, Olive wrote:
> > I am learning python -:)
> >
> > I am creating a new class: package (to analyse the packages
> > database in some linux distros). I have created a
quot;copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a=complex(2,3)
>>> b=complex(a)
>>> a is b
I note here that b is not a new instance of complex, it is another name
for a (as we can see with a is b). I would like to imp
able to use the timezone available on the system.
How can I do that?
On Thu, 9 Feb 2012 17:43:58 -0800
Chris Rebert wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 5:23 PM, noydb wrote:
> > hmmm, okay.
> >
> > So how would you round UP always? Say the number is 3219, so you
> > want 3300 returned.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17944/how-to-round-up-the-result-of-integ
f functions and define all the letters as symbolic
variables. Writing sympy. everywhere is inconvenient.
Importing all the symbols in the global namespace would lead to name
clash. It would be nice if I could import all the sympy names but for a
given function only.
s there an equivalent function in python (as a last resort I can
always use the external file utility).
, you modify the argument in place and it is
not reevaluated between calls.
On Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:05:42 +0100
Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> Olive wrote:
> > In Unix the operating system pass argument as a list of C strings.
> > But C strings does corresponds to the bytes notions of Python3. Is
> > it possible to have sys.
In Unix the operating system pass argument as a list of C strings. But
C strings does corresponds to the bytes notions of Python3. Is it
possible to have sys.argv as a list of bytes ? What happens if I pass
to a program an argumpent containing funny "character", for example
(with a bash shell)?
I am a newbie to python. Python supports what I thinks it is called
list display, for example:
[i for i in range(10)]
[i for i in range(10) if i<6]
Does anyone know a good documentation for this. I have read the
language reference but it is confusing.
> Certification prooves you're an idiot who needs to spend money to work
> for another idiot who doesn't know enough about programming to know if
> they hire competent programmers and need an idiot paper to make them
> feel better and sleep better at night.
So true !
> Surely you're joking!
> Everybody knows that python developers never sleep :-)
Wrong! All my collegues are Java developers and I'm the only one who
sleep (and like a log).
Congratulations, by the way.
> Hi,
> i do have some basic python know-how. i want to tryout by actually
> implementing some python generated dynamic page etc.
> i am having websetup which runs with mysql on linux, and pythong is
> installed on it.
> so is
On 3 avr, 10:32, sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers napisa³(a):
> > Ok, I'm going to be a bit harsh, but this time I'll assume it.
> > Sam, you started this thread by asking about prototype vs class based
> > minor syntactic points that, whether you like them or not (and
> I t
On 31 mar, 18:05, John Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was searching for a way to redevelop a desktop Pythoncard based
> program into a web-application. I understand what need to be done for
> all of the non-GUI code. For the GUI capabilities, I stumbled across
> a package call qooxdoo (http
normally you just have to select your top level project folder in the
Explorer and then from the menu bar choose Project -> Close Project
(also accessible by the popup menu assigned to the right button of
your mouse).
On 24 août, 13:34, Wildemar Wildenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> olive wrote:
> > What you need is good structured text editor which hides as much as
> > possible the underlying XML (or other) format.
> What you do there is pose extra requirements on the user (&qu
through Ellington CMS which is itself a commercial fork oriented
toward newspaper like publishing.
I would use Plone instead as a general CMS.
On 24 août, 12:43, Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hallöchen!
> olive writes:
> > What about ODF ? (http://www.odfalliance.org/) Isn't it a good
> > competitor ?
> I'd be a nice further backend but I doubt that people want to enter
> so that this project is worth being done.
What about ODF ? (http://www.odfalliance.org/)
Isn't it a good competitor ?
ver side and JQuery
(www.jquery.com groups.google.com/group/jquery-en) for the client
What is a "sharp hair boss" ?
My boss does not look like a punk !
But he does want me to dance "la Java".
Thank you Stephane,
it is almost what I want.
I'm going to improve it a little and then provide the code back.
Where is the best place ?
Thanks Paul and Mike,
I've found the good link and just downloaded pyXML.
I know all of these tools and I already suspected xmlproc as a good
The problem is I can't download it for the moment since Lars website
is blocked here at my work and PyXML is dead.
Maybe there is an alternative download link ?
Thank you for the Cookbook recipe anyway.
I have a bunch of similar DTDs written by different coders.
I would like to normalize, sort elements and attributes by name and
compare those files.
Do you know any XML DTD parser/normalizer written in Python ?
If not, how would you perform that task in Python language ?
pythonic XML API I have tried so far
(I find better than minidom, ElementTree or even lxml which is my
choice under CPython).
- OObean integrated in Java Gui and driven by Jython.
I don't like Java much though, but this is what our management wants
us to use.
By chance, Jython is tolerated s
Looks interesting...
Do you consider a StorageManagers for Oracle ?
On Jan 24, 11:57 pm, "Robert Brewer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Dejavu Object-Relational Mapper (version 1.5.0RC1) is now available
> and in the public domain. Get it athttp://projects.amor
It would help if you could give an exemple of .par and .asm file.
Is it human readable, XML ... ?
Is there any other import/export file format provided ?
Maria R a écrit :
> I consider using Python to process Solid Edge .par .asm etc objects.
> Solid Edge provides a pretty rich documentation an
dwelch91 a écrit :
> http://docs.python.org/ref/yield.html
This is a perfect example that demonstrate how the actual python is bad
and most of the time useless (at least for me).
We really need mor example !
I would like to thanks Fredrik for his contribution to improve that.
Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> Yep. Still does it.
I'm running PyDev 1.2.4 without completion problem so far.
Are you up to date ?
Maybe you should install the latest from scratch.
Michael B. Trausch a écrit :
> Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> >
> > With the most recent edition of PyDev, I find Eclipse works quite well
> > for me.
> >
> Since you mentioned it, I have a question that searching around and
> poking around has not solved for me, yet.
> Do you have auto-completion
I agree with Steve and I would advise to use an Ajax toolkit (such as
JQuery for example) which will help to make your UI act as a desktop
application (and even better if you are creative).
... and you have to start your py file with:
import uno, sys, socket
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
... and your start_oo_server.bat file with:
@SET PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program;C:\Program
Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program\python-core-2.3.4\lib
Here is something that works for me under XPsp2 to either save a doc or
save it as PDF:
filepath = argv[0]
exportpdf = argv[1]
ctxLocal = uno.getComponentContext()
smgrLocal = ctxLocal.ServiceManager
resolver =
For me the problem is that OO2.0 is compiled against P2.3.
Is there any OO compiled with P2.4x for Windows somewhere ?
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> Aside from what has already been said, it might be nice for you to
> read my article about OOo and Python at
> http://www.stuvel.eu/ooo-python ;-)
you did not understand Michel question because Ubuntu seems to be the
only distribution coming with OpenOffice and Python 2.4 compiled
Others platform such as Windoze are limitated to Python 2.3 when
working with OpenOffice and compiling is a pain especially under
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