Dear all, kindly help me with this code;
This script is supposed to calculate Rvi for each row by first summing the
product of #fields (Ai*Rv) and dividing by another field (Tot) such that
Rvi=sum(Ai*Rv)/Tot. First it's acting like I need another parenthesis and it
doesn't seem to work at all
Dear Peter, that did wonders!! thanks so much for the code fix; I will check
back with you later for the meaning of some functions you used.
Many thanks to all those good people who gave me pointers: Rami, Mathew, Bob,
Best wishes for now:)
From: "python-list
Dear Python experts,
I hope someone can help me. I am new to Python and trying to achive the
1) I would like to populate the Tot_Ouf_Area field with total area of each
unique outfall_id (code attempted below,but Tot_Ouf_Area not populating)
2) I would also like to get the