Re: pyWin build 216

2011-09-24 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Me, because some bugs in 216, I come back to 214... (215 has another bugs). @-salutations -- MCi --

Re: Implicit initialization is EXCELLENT

2011-07-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! +1 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: windows 7 create directory with read write execute permission for everybody

2011-06-26 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! +1 Gelonida confuses "Windows permissions" and "NTFS's rights". (too) Many Windows users are unfamiliar with Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python 2.7 and cmd on Windows 7 64 (files lost)

2011-06-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
"trick" for mark the file like visible, or not, in 32 mode. What trick? OK, it is not a Python problem. Then... thanks again for your explanations. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Python 2.7 and cmd on Windows 7 64 (files lost)

2011-06-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
nd os.system("cmd /k") then "dir C:\Windows\System32\SoundRecorder.exe" do not found anyway. But: {Ctrl-Z} in Python then dir C:\Windows\System32\SoundRecorder.exe run OK Therefore, is the problem only in Python? @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Missing python27.dll on Win 7 64-bit

2011-06-20 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! In my Win è 64 bits, python27.dll (and others DLLs like pythoncom27.dll, pythoncomloader27.dll or pywintypes27.dll) are in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 And (my) Python 2.7.2 run perfectly. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: PIL: The _imaging C module is not installed

2011-05-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re! And why the problem no exist with PIL 1.1.6? (only 1.1.7) Is that the version 1.1.6 does not use these libraries? @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: PIL: The _imaging C module is not installed

2011-05-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > you need to install the appropriate libraries, among which are: > libjpeg-devel > freetype-devel > libpng-devel OK, but where can I find it? I want use PIL with Python under Windows, and I can't compile C's sources. Should I replace PIL by ImageMagick? @-salutati

Re: ctypes and twain_32.dll

2011-05-02 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On my system, thera are not "twain32.dll" or "twain_32.dll", but "twain.dll" @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: how to create a virtual printer

2011-03-28 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On windows, install a "Generic" printer, on "FILE:" port. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Pickle compatibility between Python 2.7 and python 3.2

2011-02-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! I am, also, very interested in the answers. Thank you for asking this question. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python 32-bit on Windows 64-bit

2011-02-11 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Python 32 bits (& Pywin32) limits are: 2 GB on win.7_32 bits 4 GB on win.7_64 bits That's what I found in my tests. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Printing RTF file under win32

2011-01-21 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Try this line: "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe" /p D:\data\fil.rtf (change the path if you have a windows 64 bits) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How do I get the URL of the active tab in Firefox/IE/Chrome?

2010-11-28 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
;): print instance," URL :",instance.LocationURL @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How to open html page in python resource file? ActiveX and Javascript addEventListener? Options

2010-11-21 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hello! You will find (positive) answers in PyWin32 and his examples. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How to display unicode char in Windows

2010-10-16 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > "cp65001" isn't in Python's encoding tables. CP65001 is an alias for (partial) UTF-8 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: How to display unicode char in Windows

2010-10-15 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
console (commandLine), use this command: CHCP 1252 {Enter} (before run your script) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: compile Py2.6 on SL

2010-09-17 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hello! SL (SilverLight) is a library/techno who give functions. You cannot compile Python on SL (SilverLight). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: SendKeys and Python 2.7

2010-09-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
() win32gui.GetWindowTex() or win32gui.FindWindowEx() @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

PIL : "The _imaging C module is not installed"

2010-09-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
he problem returns. It is the only thing than I wait before update to Python 2.7 One idea? Thanks in advance. -- Michel Claveau --

Re: SendKeys and Python 2.7

2010-09-09 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
EYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) win32api.keybd_event(win32con.VK_CONTROL, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Installing Python as Scripting Language in IIS

2010-08-31 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! More details: C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\Demos\client\ie\demo.htm @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Installing Python as Scripting Language in IIS

2010-08-31 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You must register Python as ActiveScripting's language. See : C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python Editor or IDE ActiveX control

2010-08-26 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
in32. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Detect string has non-ASCII chars without checking each char?

2010-08-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! > Try your code with u"abcd\xa1" ... it says it's ASCII. Ah? in my computer, it say "False" @-salutations -- MCi --

Re: Detect string has non-ASCII chars without checking each char?

2010-08-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
se print test_ascii(u"abcde") print test_ascii(u"abcdê") @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Iterative vs. Recursive coding

2010-08-20 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Salut ! C'est cela, la solitude du programmeur génial... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Access lotus notes using Python 2.5.1

2010-08-11 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! In several cases, Notes is not registred as COM server. Depending of installation. @-salutations -- MCi --

Problem PIL-1.1.7 & _imagingft

2010-06-24 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
IL-1.1.6 all run OK. I found a solution: - install PIL-1.1.7, - then, copy these two files from PIL 1.1.6: _imaging.pyd & _imagingft.pyd But, is it a good way? Thanks -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Discover PyH

2010-05-19 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonsoir ! La démarche me semble intéressante. Je testerai le module quand j'aurai un peu de temps. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Upgrade Python 2.6.4 to 2.6.5

2010-05-12 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! If you are under Vista, or Windows 7, have you unactivate UAC, before the update? @+ MCI --

Re: Default if none

2010-04-29 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re! Look also : >>> print False or None None >>> print None or False False -- MCI --

Re: Default if none

2010-04-29 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > print x or y or z > If none of the potential values are considered boolean false But : a=None b=False c=None print a or b or c > None @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: DLLs loading in interpreter but not with direct run on Windows

2010-04-24 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! AMHA (IMO), it is PyQT4 who change the DLL loader... @+ -- MCI --

Re: Download Visual Studio Express 2008 now

2010-04-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Thanks for this idea. Michel Claveau --

Re: subprocess only good for win32?

2010-04-01 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > side-by-side configuration is incorrect Others have given you an explanation. A possibility: you use a DLL directly, without having installed. That is OK with some DLL, and no OK with others DLL. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: bypass UAC control through python script (to be run from batchfile)

2010-03-11 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi ! Install a resident soff (script) by task-planified, in Administrator rights. Then, call this script from current work, for bypass UAC. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: python shell crashing on paste

2010-02-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Where (directory) are you, when the problem come? Have you try with UAC disabled? @+ -- MCI --

Re: What's Going on between Python and win7?

2010-02-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Symbolic links are available in NTFS starting with Windows Vista. No. Hardlink come with NTFS, and already exists in W2K (and NT with specifics utilities). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Dynamic HTML controls

2010-01-12 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! I had write PLUIE, for use DHTML as GUI: But it is not a good answer to your problem. Sorry. Nevertheless, there are several functions & methods for generate DHTML objects (and Python keep the control on each object. @+ -- Michel Claveau *** s

Re: Portable way to tell if a process is still alive

2009-12-30 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
RUNNING / NOT RESPONDING / etc. And...tasklist /? for help. @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Ironpython

2009-12-22 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! IronPython is an implementation of Python. IMO, this group talk about all Pythons. Therefore, for me, this group is OK. -- Michel Claveau --

Re: read text file byte by byte

2009-12-13 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > If it's a binary file... OK, but... what is a "binary" file? @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi ! Warning with lower/uppercases! Try to make two versions of your methods (ex.: "add" & "ADD"), for study. @+ -- MCI --

Re: (pywin related) pywintypes.com_error: -2147417846 "Application busy"

2009-11-25 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Your computer is too slow, for launch Excel. Configure the machine for more speed... @+ -- MCI --

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library

2009-11-18 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You forget to write "urwid" do not run under Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library

2009-11-18 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You forget to write "urwid" do not run under Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.9 - Console UI Library

2009-11-18 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! You forget to write "urwid" do not run under Windows. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: how to close not response win32 IE com interface

2009-11-10 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! The only way I know is to use sendkeys. @+ Michel Claveau --

Re: virtualenv under Win7: easy_install fails in virtual environments

2009-10-26 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Try to unactive UAC... @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: web sound recording with python

2009-10-09 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On windows, you can record sound who play on the local sound-card. It is not really Python scripting, but Python can launch it. @+ -- Michel Claveau --

Re: arrays in python

2009-09-23 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! See: (section 5) @+ -- MCI --

Re: Redirect output on script

2009-09-17 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! import os os.system('cmd /c type L:\\source.fic >L:\\destination.txt') @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-16 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Tkinter is part of the Python standard library Yes. But... tkinter is a wrapper to tcl/tk, who is written in tcl. Ok, tcl is given with Python (standard library). Therefore, you sentence: 'Are you really ruling out its use for a "pure Python" solution?' Is w

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-16 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Perso I use a wrapper to RMCHART. There are two versions : DLL & COM. I prefer COM. Warning : only on Windows's family. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Does python 3.1 support sybase module?

2009-09-09 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi, What is this final comma? @+ -- MCI --

Re: Support for Windows 7 ?

2009-09-06 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
d'autres étudiants d'écoles de commerce françaises que le fait de ne pas arriver/savoir installer et tester Python sous Windows-7 donne une mauvaise image de l'école... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Learning Python advanced features

2009-08-30 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonsoir ! Tu aurais peut-être dû répondre en anglais (pour certains, "advanced features", c'est mieux que "concepts sophistiqués"). @+ MCI --

Re: difference between 2 arrays

2009-08-20 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
(envoyé via news:\\\comp.lang.python) Hi! Yes, the module sets is written, in doc, like "deprecated". But: - sets exist in Python 2.6 (& 2.5 or 2.4) - documentation of sets (module) is better tha, documentation of set (builtin) The best: read the documentaion of the module

Re: difference between 2 arrays

2009-08-19 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Re ! Juste pour signaler qu'il existe un newsgroup en français sur Python, qui permet de recevoir des réponses en français (donc plus complètes/détaillées). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: difference between 2 arrays

2009-08-19 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
(envoyé via news:\\\comp.lang.python) Hi! See the module "sets" @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python- javascript

2009-08-17 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! If you are under Windows, you can drive IE, for indirect drive the web-pages. In this case, you can then interact with pages & the javascript's scripts included. For more, see Pywin32, Pamie, Pxie, etc. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python or ActionScript 3.0

2009-08-15 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Application) for use HTML as GUI tool in local applications. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Windows 7 : any problems installing or running Python ?

2009-08-08 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! I use, all days, Python 2.6 + Pywin32 on Win-7-64 bits. Without problem (I confirm : pywin 32 on 64 bits). @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: os.path.exists() and Samba shares

2009-08-01 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
yLevel ; set 1 or 0. ) @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Does python have the capability for driver development ?

2009-07-30 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! > Python is interpreted No. Python is compiled (--> .pyc) But the term "to compile" is not always unambiguous... And the notion of "compiler" is not attached to Python (the language), but is attached to the implementation. @+ MCI --

Re: Running a script from a windows right click menu..?

2009-06-28 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Bonsoir ! Un exemple là: @-salutations -- MCI --

Re: is there python image lib that does imagemagick?

2009-06-08 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! On Windows, you can drive (manage?) ImageMagick from Python, via COM. See: @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: python way to automate IE8's File Download dialog

2009-06-05 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi! Suppose that the (web) site give the file only after several seconds, and after the user click a confirm (example: RapidFile). Suppose that the (web) site give the file only after the user input a code, controled by a javascript script. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau -- http

Re: Problem Python 2.6.1 vs 2.6 & pyWin32

2008-12-15 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
Hi! I noted, also, than, in some cases, Python26.dll is not copied in %WINDIR%\system32 After that, external softs don't find the DLL. But it's a detail, because it's easy to copy the DLL with install scripts. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Problem Python 2.6.1 vs 2.6 & pyWin32

2008-12-15 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
ers run OK, from Python-Scripts. But it is not possible from others languages (but, I only try JScript, VBScript, JS.Net, ObjectPAL, Autoit). For the moment, I back my install procedures to Python 2.6 ; and, I hope a "global" solution for 2.6.1 @-salutations -- Michel Claveau -- ht

Problem Python 2.6.1 vs 2.6 & pyWin32

2008-12-15 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
cket : DLL load failed: Le module spécifié est introuvable. "Erreur non spécifiée" (with call from JScript test, or VBScript test). (These tests run OK with 2.6 or 2.5.x) I am very disappointed. Help me, please. Thanks in advance. *** and sorry for my bad english *** @-saluta

Re: Python 2.6, GUI not working on vista?

2008-10-04 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
Hi! Another way is to de-activate UAC. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: mmap and ctypes

2008-08-16 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
Hi! I use mmap for interchange data between Python & Autoit. For that, I use (Autoit's side) a little DLL. This DLL can, perhaps, be used with ctypes. @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Python COM

2008-07-29 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
Re! Pywin32 can use dynamic COM server (without tlb). Therefore, I prefer to wait the return from birdprince... @-salutations -- Michel Claveau --

Re: Finding Full Path to Process EXE

2008-03-29 Thread Michel Claveau - NoSpam SVP ; merci
Hi! Warning : WMI give the "command-line" of a process only for windows > 2000 @-salutations Michel Claveau --


2007-06-08 Thread Michel Claveau
classification, I propose: PEP'S -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

who know?

2007-06-05 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! This image show IronPython. But... what is it? Link : -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: which "GUI module" you suggest me to use?

2007-06-05 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Only under Win: PLUIE ( This GUI is natively HTML. -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Embed text document in excel application using python

2007-05-31 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! > to embed object in excel An example come with PyWin32. This example create a toolbar inside Excel. This toolbar is write with Python. -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-15 Thread Michel Claveau
27;+33123' Imagine the same code, is accents are not possible... Don't forget: we must often be connected to databases who already exists -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: os.listdir() doesn't work ??

2007-05-14 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! > You want the glob module Warning: glob has "unix like behavior"; just a little different with windows's DIR -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-14 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! ;-))) In whitespace-programming-language, only three characters are used : Space - Tab - RC No parasitic characters in listings ; economy of ink ; ecological behavior ; LOL programming... Must, Python, follow this way? -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-14 Thread Michel Claveau
And Il1 O0 ? -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

2007-05-14 Thread Michel Claveau
, because non-ASCII characters are possible, they are no-obligatory ; consequently guys (snobs?) want stay in pure-ASCII dimension will can. * sorry for my bad english * -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Runtime (DLR)

2007-05-02 Thread Michel Claveau
Re! During we post messages, then blog of Jim Hugunin is updated: -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Microsoft's Dynamic Languages Runtime (DLR)

2007-05-02 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! DLR is include in SilverLight. See my message of yesterday. For instant, DLR is for IronPython & JScript. Others languages are only promised. You can install SilverLight 1.1, and make your tests. -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

SilverLight, a new way for Python?

2007-05-01 Thread Michel Claveau
new IDE (plug-in for VS-2005 or Expression are availables). But, I don't had try SilverLight... Who had try it? -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Problem redefining __getitem__ for str subclass

2007-04-21 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Same result, with Python 2.5.1 on win-XP; I have compassion with you. -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: How to initialize a table of months.

2007-04-15 Thread Michel Claveau
Michel Claveau --

Re: How to initialize a table of months.

2007-04-15 Thread Michel Claveau
n2int('May') print mond2int(Jul=0) > 3 > 5 > 7 (The dict is mixed : French/English) -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --


2007-04-09 Thread Michel Claveau
process is a service (kif-kif daemon), you can use SC (see SC /?) For thread, the concept is fuzzy. Thread can be manage by OS, by software (e.g. by Python, for Python's threads), or by middlewares. There are no universal way. -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Kill thread

2007-04-09 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! If you have the PID of the process (example: 1234), use this command-line : TASKKILL /F /PID 1234 -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: pluie documentation in english

2007-04-09 Thread Michel Claveau
days. Mais... J'espère pouvoir compléter la documentation dans les jours qui viennent. -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Executing a list of functions

2007-03-16 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Your code run OK for me. But, if you want "time-lag" (sorry for my english) execution, you can try this: def a(): print "this is a" def b(): print "this is b" lst = [a, b] [f() for f in lst] -- @-salutations Michel Claveau -- http://ma

Re: minimum age to learn python (a.k.a graphical vs text languages)

2007-03-10 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Personally, I was yet in the belly of my mom, whom I already thought in Python… -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: inquiry about installing Python 2.5

2006-12-16 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! For Python only, it's possible. But, if you add Pywin32... problem! -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Python Plugin for Web Browser

2006-12-06 Thread Michel Claveau
fois par mois, et les utilisateurs ont toujours plus choses à valider... -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: converting dict to object

2006-12-01 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! Yes. But... Try:d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'def': 123} Ok, I go out... -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

Re: Where is __builtin__

2006-10-28 Thread Michel Claveau
Hi! >> Yeaaahh!!!Finally a genuine URL;o) -- @-salutations Michel Claveau --

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