Op 09-07-2021 om 15:01 schreef vergos@gmail.com:
please tell me what i need to do to be able to see error messages in browser
and not only via console:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
application = app
The above only displays error via console into the error_log, having to open it
Op 09-07-2021 om 08:14 schreef vergos@gmail.com:
Στις Παρασκευή, 9 Ιουλίου 2021 στις 12:03:00 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Menno
Holscher έγραψε:
Op 08-07-2021 om 15:42 schreef vergos@gmail.com:
import flask
['Blueprint', 'Config', 'Flask',
Op 08-07-2021 om 15:42 schreef vergos@gmail.com:
i just moved from bottleframework to flask. I changes what needed to be altered to
convert the code and when i run it i just get "Internal server error"
This error is the error any web site shows when the code of your
application has an error
Op 15-06-2021 om 19:14 schreef Grant Edwards:
On 2021-06-15, Menno Holscher wrote:
There is no difference regarding security concerns.
I find that hard to believe given the long list of CVEs I've just had
to sort through for even fairly recent versions of PHP. I just can't
Op 14-06-2021 om 21:17 schreef Pascal B via Python-list:
I would like to know if for a small app for instance that requires a connection
to a remote server database if php is more suitable than Python mainly
regarding security.
Php requires one port for http and one port for the connection
Op 16-05-2021 om 00:39 schreef Jason C. McDonald:
During the Steering Committee presentation at PyCon, it was mentioned
that no one has formally proposed TOML be added to the standard library
(emphasis on formal). THe joke went forth that there would be a flood
of proposals to that end.
So, just
Op 03-11-2020 om 04:04 schreef Terry Reedy:
Perhaps half of the assigned chars in the first plane are printed
instead of being replaced with a narrow box. This includes emoticons as
foreground color outlines on background color. Maybe all of the second
plane of extended CJK chars are printed.
Op 21-09-2020 om 12:14 schreef iMath:
Asked 3 days ago at
But nobody helped yet, anyone ?
Did you see
Op 09-09-2020 om 07:35 schreef James Moe via Python-list:
python 3.6.10
opensuse tumbleweed
Tumbleweed is a rolling distro, so that is extremely old for Tumbleweed.
I would expect Python 3.8.4 or 3.8.5 to be current there.
If you want to use another version, you would have to run in a virtual