python-parser running Beautiful Soup only spits out one line of 10. What i have gotten wrong here?

2010-12-25 Thread Martin Kaspar
Hello dear Community,. I am trying to get a scraper up and running: And keep running into problems. when I try what you have i have learnedd so far I only get: Schuldaten Here is the code that I used: import urllib2 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup page = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.sch

python-parser running Beautiful Soup needs to be reviewed

2010-12-11 Thread Martin Kaspar
Hello commnity i am new to Python and to Beatiful Soup also! It is told to be a great tool to parse and extract content. So here i am...: I want to take the content of a -tag of a table in a html document. For example, i have this table This is a sample te

need some debug-infos on a simple regex

2010-11-12 Thread Martin Kaspar
hello dear list! i'm very new to programming and self teaching myself. I'm having a problem with a little project. I'm trying to preform an fetch-process, but every time i try it i runs into errors. i have read the Python-documents for more than ten hours now! And i have several books here - bu