On Sep 4, 5:19 am, Ned Deily wrote:
> In article
> ,
> Kristoffer Follesdal wrote:
> > *Forgot to tell that I am using a Mac with Snow Leopard.
> Which version of Python 3.1.2? From the python.org installer?
> MacPorts? Built from source - if so, which version of Tk?
> --
> Ned Deily,
*Forgot to tell that I am using a Mac with Snow Leopard.
I am new to python and have installed python 3.1.2. I have began using
IDLE and like it very good.
But when an IDLE window is active. There is a thick black frame around
the white text field. Is there some way I can get rid of this frame?
The frame is very distracting when I write.