adding multiple new values to the same key in a dictionary

2009-08-11 Thread Krishna Pacifici
Hi, I want to be able to add multiple new values to a key in a dictionary. I have tried the following: sec_dict_clean= {88: [87, 89, 78, 98], 58: [57, 59, 48, 68], 69: [79], 95: [94, 96, 85]} for i in range(len(sec_dict_clean.values())): for j in range(len(sec_dict_clean.values()[i])):

Re: looping through values in a dictionary and appending to a list

2009-08-11 Thread Krishna Pacifici
Nevermind, got it. Sorry. >>> Krishna Pacifici 08/11/09 2:12 PM >>> Hi, I want to append the values of a dictionary to a list. I have a dictionary sec_dict_clean and I want to append the values to a list, but am having a hard time looping through the values in the diction

Re: dictionary help

2009-08-11 Thread Krishna Pacifici
nd am enjoying all of the flexibility associated with a scripting and programming language. Thanks again, Krishna >>> Simon Forman 08/11/09 12:15 PM >>> On Aug 11, 11:51 am, MRAB wrote: > Krishna Pacifici wrote: > > Thanks for the help. > > > Actually this is

Re: dictionary help

2009-08-11 Thread Krishna Pacifici
suggestions or comments about the above problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, Krishna >>> Dave Angel 08/11/09 7:38 AM >>> Krishna Pacifici wrote: > Hi, > kind of a newbie here, but I have two questions that are probably pretty > simple. > > 1. I ne

dictionary help

2009-08-10 Thread Krishna Pacifici
Hi, kind of a newbie here, but I have two questions that are probably pretty simple. 1. I need to get rid of duplicate values that are associated with different keys in a dictionary. For example I have the following code. s={} s[0]=[10,2,3] s[10]=[22,23,24] s[20]=[45,5] s[30]=[2,4] s[40]=[6,7