* Chris Mellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-12-15 06:09]:
> (Am I dating myself? Do teenagers still put studs on their jackets?)
No. They put studs in their lips, tongues, eyebrows, navels, and sexual
Oh, and ears. (How quaint.)
[Mike Meyer]
> The thing to understand is that regular expressions are *search*
> functions, that return the first parsing that matches. They search a
> space of possible matches to each term in the expression. If some term
> fails to match, the preceeding term goes on to its next match, and you
> [John Hazen]
> > I want to match one or two instances of a pattern in a string.
> >
> > >>> s = 'foobarbazfoobar'
> > >>> foofoo = re.compile(r'^(foo)(.*?)(foo)?(.*?)$')
> > >>> foofoo.match(s).group(1)
> > &
I want to match one or two instances of a pattern in a string.
According to the docs for the 're' module
( http://python.org/doc/current/lib/re-syntax.html ) the '?' qualifier
is greedy by default, and adding a '?' after a qualifier makes it
> The "*", "+", and "?" qualifiers are all
Hi Jesse-
> def hostforward():
> #This is based on the assumption that the passfile is the gnus
> #authinfo file, or has a similar format...
> f = open(PASS_FILE, "r")
> f_list = f.read().split(' ')
> f.close()
> #Now, we get the entry after "password" (be slicker to make i
* George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-25 16:20]:
> Hello everyone I know many have helped but I cannot get this to work
> out correctly.
> Please help I have never done python before and I can't seem to get the
> hang of it.
You posted code. Is what's in the docstring actual output? If so, what
* Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-19 16:28]:
> I've restructured my code with the assistance of George and Mike which
> is now as follows...
> import random
> class HiScores:
> def __init__(self,hiScores):
> self.hiScores=[(entry[:5],entry[5:]) for entry in hiScores]
With y
* Ed Hotchkiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-09-15 20:36]:
> But then I still get the error with the len(x) statement .. hmm
Ahh. In the future, it will help us help you, if you make it clear that
there was an error, and *paste the exact error* into your mail.
For example, I'm guessing the error you
* n00m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-08-31 05:45]:
> import socket, thread
> host, port = '', 1434
> s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> s2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> s2.connect((host, 1433))
> s1.bind((host, port))
I think the problem is that
> > This is probably a fairly bad way of contacting the python-list
> > admins...
> Perhaps. Feel free to forward if you know a better way.
I tried sending a question to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and got
another 'don't call us, we'll maybe call you'. Maybe
> But public posting all
> [[]]*2
> > [[], []]
> [[], []] == [[]]*2
> > True
> Same effect. But try the 'is' operator, to see if they are actually the
> same instances of 'empty list':
> [[], []] is [[]]*2
> > True
Just curious, did you actually cut and paste this from a real
interactive session? (
* Brian Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-26 06:34]:
> Subscribe
OK. You're now subscribed to thousands of spam lists. Congratulations!
You can subscribe to the python-list here:
Good luck-
* Helge Aksdal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-19 11:23]:
> if i then change to a console window, and telnet to this server it
> sends me to another one. That's probably why my program dies, how
> can i get my code to handle this?
> Trying xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
> telnet: connect to address xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
* Brian Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-15 02:08]:
> You can find the first problem here:
> http://www.sweetapp.com/pycontest/contest1
I have one question about the problem. Is the cost we are to minimize
the cost of arriving in the target city at all, or the cost of arriving
at the targe
[Erik Max Francis]
> > > Searching for straights and flushes is much better done by masks.
Interesting. I've been thinking about playing with this stuff too, but
hadn't considered masks. So each card has a representation:
n bits for rank, then m bits for suit.
10 0001 = 2 clubs
* Dan Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-02 21:09]:
> Dan Christensen wrote:
> > Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > Dan Christensen wrote:
> > >> Roel Schroeven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >>
> > >>> There's no level 12 yet though.
> > >>
> > >> Now there's a 12 and a 13
* Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-02 06:19]:
> John Hazen wrote:
> > Have you found the zip file yet?
> >
> > (I did, and I still can't figure it out)
> It's best when you use the zipfile module.
Cool. I had just unzippe
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-02 05:10]:
> Any hints on level 6 ?
> There is "zip" in the page source, "ZIp" in the
> image data, but have no clue what to do with them
> - tried many things :).
Have you found the zip file yet?
(I did, and I still can't figure it out. I'm wond
* Dave Brueck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-04-14 07:49]:
[Roel Schroeven]
> >Not that it really matters, but does anybody know why the weekly Python
> >news always arrives twice? Does it only happen to me, or does it happen
> >to others too?
> >
> >It's not that it irritates me or anything, I'm just b
19 matches
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