On 2017-01-31 18:02, MRAB wrote:
On 2017-01-31 22:34, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
> >* Am 31.01.17 um 20:18 schrieb George Trojan - NOAA Federal:
> *>>* Selection of button 'A' also selects button 'C'. Same goes for 'B' and
> 'D'.
The following program behaves differently under Python 3.6:
checkbutton test
import tkinter
class GUI(tkinter.Tk):
def __init__(self):
frame = tkinter.Frame(self)
for tag in ('A', 'B'):
w = tkinter.Checkbutton(frame, text=
> Tell Python to keep the newline chars as seen with
> open(filename, newline="")
> For example:
> >>>
> * open("odd-newlines.txt", "rb").read() *
> b'alpha\nbeta\r\r\ngamma\r\r\ndelta\n'
> >>>
> * open("odd-newlines.txt", "r", newline="").read().replace("\r", *
> "").splitlines()
> ['alpha', 'be
> Are repeated newlines/carriage returns significant at all? What about
> just using re and just replacing any repeated instances of '\r' or '\n'
> with '\n'? I.e. something like
> >>> # the_string is your file all read in
> >>> import re
> >>> re.sub("[\r\n]+", "\n", the_string)
> and then co
I have files containing ASCII text with line s separated by '\r\r\n'.
$ od -c FTAK31_PANC_131140.1481629265635
000 F T A K 3 1 P A N C 1 3 1 1
020 4 0 \r \r \n T A F A B E \r \r \n T A
040 F \r \r \n P A
16, at 6:57 PM, George Trojan - NOAA Federal <
> george.tro...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> >
> > The module functools has partial() defined as above, then overrides the
> > definition by importing partial from _functools. That would explain the
> > above behaviour. My question
Here is my test program:
''' generic test '''
import functools
import inspect
def f():
'''I am f'''
g = functools.partial(f)
g.__doc__ = '''I am g'''
g.__name__ = 'g'
def partial(func, *args, **keywords):
def newfunc(*fargs, **fkeywords):
newkeywords = keywords.copy()
What graphics editor would you recommend to create diagrams that can be
included in sphinx made documentation? In the past I used xfig, but was not
happy with font quality. My understanding is the diagrams would be saved in
a .png file and I should use an image directive in the relevant .rst file.