> ['12', '42', '49', '56', '25', '36', '49', '64', '81', '00']
> When I try to use lines[3][0] is '1'
> lines[3][1] is '5'
> lines[3][2] is '6'
Is there something wrong with using:
Frank Stutzman
This has been resolved and I want to publically thank Andreas for finding
and fixing this bug so quick. I'm fairly new to open source development and
the rapidity that this was fix was gratifying.
Frank Stutzman
Andreas R?hler wrote:
> Re-opened the ticket mentioned. Please subscribe there, so you may get the
> bug-mail.
I've subscribed at launchpad and have given you a few more details there.
Much appreciate you taking the time to look at this.
Frank Stutzman
According to https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-mode/+bug/1207470 this bug
was fixed in version 6.1.2 of python-mode.el. I am trying to run 6.1.3 and
am running into it. I back dated to 6.1.2 and still see it there. I am
running GNU Emacs 23.3.1.
Its possible that something I'm doing it causin
s you could (if
you had permission) parse the /proc/net/arp file. Granted this isn't
terribly far off from parsing the output of 'arp -a', but at least
it keeps you from spawning a shell to run the 'arp -a' in.
Frank Stutzman
(quote from
> <http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/documentation.html#Beautiful
> Soup Gives You Unicode, Dammit>)
I'll try that. For what I'm doing it ought to be safe enough.
Much appreciate all the comments so far.
Frank Stutzman
Bonanza N494B "Hula Girl"
Boise, ID
ent_type=ICAO&ver=0711&bnSubmit=Complete+Search as one example).
I did some poking and proding and it seems that there is something in the
clause that is causing the problem. Heck if I can see what it is.
I'm new to BeautifulSoup (heck, I'm new to python). If I'm doing s
#x27;re').finditer(r"('E.*?'\s*:\s*'.*?'),?", str(record))], "") + "}")
Ah! Now this is one solution I can get my teeth into. If its not obvious,
I'm a recovering perl programmer.
Thanks to all
Frank Stutzman
#x27;E5': '1148', 'C2': '329',
'MAP': '15', 'OIL': '167', 'HP': '19', 'E1': '1137',
'MARK': '', 'E3': '1163',