I've used a very nice Keystroke Logger Python shareware program
(EVDEV.py), written by Micah Dowty.
But I couldn't find a dedicated ASCII Character Logger program.
Does anyone know of an ASCII Character Logger program (preferably
Or how to modify EVDEV.py to log ASCII characte
I've used EVDEV.py successfully as a keystroke logger on Linux
How should EVDEV.py be modified to function as an ASCII character
logger? That is, to record upper and lower case letters, lower case
"5" and upper case "%" characters, etc.
Shift and Caps Lock key press events are recorde
Is there an easy scientific graphics (plotting) package for Python
2.5.1 running on Ubuntu Linux 7.1 ("Gutsy Gibbon")?
A few years ago I used PyLab (a MatLab-like plotting module for
Python) on a Windows machine, but I don't know if there is a similar
easy-to-install-and-use Python 2.5.1-compatibl
I'm using a modified EVDEV.py program (see below) to record inter-keystroke
times for Keystroke triples and doubles (t2 - t1, t3 -t1). These times are
key PRESS times.
How - where can EVDEV.py be modified (without too much trouble) to record
Keystroke RELEASE times also ?
Paul, Heiko:
Thank you for the quality, parsimony and promptness of your
excellent suggestions.
I wasn't familiar with the Python "yield" function.
Dr. Colombes
I'm looking for a good Python way to generate (enumerate) the 2**N
tuples representing all vertices of the unit hypercube in N-dimensional
For example, for N=4 the Python code should generate the following 2**N
= 16 tuples:
(1,1,1,1), (1,1,1,-1),
(1,1,-1, 1), (1,1,-1,-1),
John Hunter wrote:
> > "Colombes" == Colombes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Colombes> matplotlib.matlab deprecated, please import
> Colombes> matplotlib.pylab or simply pylab instead. See
> Colombes> http://matplotlib.sf.net/matplotlib_to_pylab.py for a
> Colombes> script w
On my home laptop computer, I'm trying to install the appropriate
modules so that Python version 2.3.3 and IDLE version 1.0.2 (with an
"import matplotlib.matlab" statement) can produce nice MatLab-like
I have a matplotlib.matlab-capable Python set-up running OK on my
office desktop, which
Using MatPlotLib plot function, is there a way to get variable size
plot symbols? For example, using symbol strings like 'o' (circle), 's'
(square), 'x' (cross), etc., is there a way to specify other plot
symbols such a small circle, Medium square, LARGE cross, etc.?
Similarly, using the MatPlotL