
2019-10-12 Thread Doris Marca Guaraca
Hi sorry to bother you maybe you can help me, could you tell me which is the path that contains the main file of the bayes filter, I can't find it, or, I'm not sure this is the file / opt / zimbra / zimbramon /lib/Mail/ Thank you in advance for your help. Regards Doris -- https://ma

how can i run python script in spamassassin

2019-10-03 Thread Doris Marca Guaraca
Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, I just reviewed this post, the Python beginner, the Linux beginner, needs to run spamassassin, and now I'm trying to do something very similar with a Python script is for a project, maybe you can help me thanks. I appreciate it a lot. Regards Doris -- https: