problem with saving data in a text file

2013-04-23 Thread Debashish Saha
I tried the following: Am_cor=np.vectorize(Am_cor) #plt.plot(t, signal, color='blue', label='Original signal') fig=plt.figure() plt.xlabel('Time(minute)') plt.ylabel('$ Re()$') plt.xlim([t[0], t[-1]]) plt.ylim((-.3*a1-a1,a1+.3*a1)) plt.grid() plt.plot(t,Am_cor(t),'o-',label='with parallax', marke

retrieving data from a plot in python.

2013-04-09 Thread Debashish Saha
suppose I have t= [0,7,10,17,23,29,31] f_t= [4,3,11,19,12,9,17] and I have plotted f_t vs t. Now from this 7 data points plotting if I want to retrieve 100 data points and save them in a text file. What do I have to do? What I am asking is not a fitting of the plot. I know between two points plot

how to insert random error in a programming

2012-10-15 Thread Debashish Saha
how to insert random error in a programming? --


2012-05-01 Thread Debashish Saha
can anyone say me how to subscribe linux mailing list like 'python mailing list'. Actually i want to post question there. --

int object

2012-04-27 Thread Debashish Saha
Notebook Actions Cell Actions Format Output Insert Move Run Autoindent: Kernel Actions Kill kernel upon exit: Help Python IPython Links NumPy SciPy MPL SymPy run selected cell Shift-Enter : run selected cell in-place Ctrl-Enter : show keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-m h : Configuration Tooltip on tab: Smar

setting an array element with sequence problem problem

2012-04-27 Thread Debashish Saha
from __future__ import division from numpy import* import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.special import jv from scipy.special import yn h_cross=1 m=1 E=np.linspace(0.1,10,100) V0=-100 R=2 K=(2*E)**0.5 K_P=(2*(E-V0))**0.5 '''r=np.linspace(-10,10,1000) def V(r): if

[no subject]

2012-02-03 Thread Debashish Saha
would u like to help me by answering some vbasic questions about python? --