> thanks but, as i've sayed before, i can't use func_data 'cause i don't
> know how to set it on glade3.8, that is the program i use to create
> the
> GUI.
> Anyway, i think this is the only way to identify the button :-/
Hack into the generated source!
print "Hi, button2!"
Claudiu Nicolaie CISMARU
GNU GPG Key: http://claudiu.targujiu.net/key.gpg
T: +40 755 135455
E: clau...@virtuamagic.com, claudiu.cism...@gmail.com
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
ink it's a system call
> (That said, the fact that the behaviour varies between faster
> and slower computers makes that cause unlikely. Maybe we're
> back to looking at virus checkers and the like...)
On that virtual machine there is no virus checker. On the faster machine
workaround the access issue.
On this issue there is no more process spawn, nothing, just the
downloader thread and the main window. And the access denied appears at
random time.
Claudiu Nicolaie CISMARU
GNU GPG Key: http://claudiu.targujiu.net/key.gpg
T: +40 755 135455
E: clau..
that the called subprocess has closed all its handles
> by the time the os.rename runs.
Seems that close_fds did the trick. Anyway, I read that description on
the documentation last night but I think I was so tired that I
understood that in Windows has no effect... :)
Thank you, all.
ith a open file somewhere else) the thread losses the acces to the
current opened file by itself.
Claudiu Nicolaie CISMARU
GNU GPG Key: http://claudiu.targujiu.net/key.gpg
T: +40 755 135455
E: clau...@virtuamagic.com, claudiu.cism...@gmail.com
Description: This is a digi