Dear Christian
Thank you so much! It works!
I am trying to get the index for the last occurrance of a sub string.
S = 'dab dab dab'
print S.find('ab')
This gives me the index for the first position of 'ab'.
But I need to index the last position of 'ab' here.
Is there a quick option for find that will do this, or do I have to
write a long
Dear John Machin
So sorry about the typo. It should be: "the program should *see* that
the designated *words* are..."
"a long way" has two parentheses to the left -- (VP (DT -- before it
hits a separate group -- VBD came). If there are three parenthesis,
for instance (NP, this will means that wha
Thank you very much for this information. It seems to point me to the
right direction. However, I do not fully understand the flatten
function and its output. Some indices seem to be inaccurate. I tried
to find this function at nltk.tree.Tree.flatten, but it returns a
flattened tree, not a tuple.
I need a program that accesses a parse tree based on the designated
words (terminals) within the tree. For instance, in:
I came a long way in changing my habit.
(NP (PRP I))
(VP (VBD came)
(NP (DT a) (JJ long) (NN way))
(PP (IN in)
(VP (
Thank you, Lie and Andrew for your help.
I have studied NLTK quite closely but its parsers seem to be only for
demo. It has a very limited grammar set, and even a parser that is
supposed to be "large" does not have enough grammar to cover common
words like "I".
I need to parse a large amount of t
Can somebody recommend a good parser that can be used in Python
programs? I need a parser with large grammar that can cover a large
amount of random texts.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for all your replies. I actually used the while
loop as the data is not large. But I was looking for a simpler, built
in command, something like L.remove('a', all) or L.removeall('a').
Python has re.findall function, but why not removeall, so users have
to make up long lines of
Hi. This must be a simple command but I just can't find it in the
Phthon manual. How do I delete all items with a certain condition from
a list? For instance:
L=['a', 'b', 'c', 'a']
I want to delete all 'a's from the list.
But if L.remove('a') only deletes the first 'a'.
How do you delete all 'a