e for that
matter. I am self taught and consider myself a hobbyist programmer.
It would be great if some one could suggest a library for TCP Nat Traversal.
As well I am open to any and all suggestions! I appreciate any feedback
Andrew Evans
Here is the link
How can I cast to a method pointer in ctypes. for example this in C
int (*func)();
func = (int (*)()) expl;
How can I do this in ctypes using Python? I couldn't find the info I needed
to be able to do this
Hello I am trying to modify Python xgoogle module to use yahoo
I have hit a road block where I receive no error messages the code I use to
test just returns an empty list.
and I don't know how to trouble shoot it
the module code is here
and the code I am using to t
I get an error message "Unsupported Format Character '&' (0x26)" I narrowed
it down to these two variables
any idea how to fix it?
nvm I got it by adding s and d respectively after each value eg %(query)s
thank you all
On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> I get an error message "Unsupported Format Character '&' (0x26)" I narrowed
> it down to these two variab
Hello ty for the fast replies
This is the string I am using for the PDF I was able to create new lines
using the HTML "br" tag which is what I wanted a method to create new lines
search_str="Position: (%d) - Keyword: (%s) - Domain (%s) " %
(idx+1, target_keyword, session.target_domain)
Hello yes
This line doesn't seem to want to accept a list for some strange reason
story.append(Paragraph(str(result_list), para))
Hello I am generating a PDF in web2py but its ignoring my line breaks.
randname = random.randrange(1, 10001)
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
title = "My Title"
doc = SimpleDocTemplate("primer.pdf")
story = []
story.append(Paragraph(strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H: