Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-23 Thread AIM
The site comes back with a message saying ... "The download you requested is unavailable. If you continue to see this message when trying to access this download, go to the "Search for a Download" area on the Download Center home page." Does anyone have any other ideas of where to look? -- http on unix/linux and converting to windows

2006-04-13 Thread AIM
work? Thank you very much. AIM --

Looking for a Python wrapper for Nvidia Cg

2006-03-24 Thread AIM
Hello all, I am working on some games and some Nvidia Cg graphics. I am looking for python that provides wrappers over the Nvidia Cg API. Does anyone know where I may find what I am looking for? AIM --

Re: Error in msvc in building inheritance.obj to build hello.pyd

2004-12-11 Thread AIM
Donne Leen, Thanks, thats a very good solution. I am glad to hear that the later solution works for you. I will try to get the 1.32.0 source Monday. I will try to compile again next week. Andre Mikulec AIM --

Error in msvc in building inheritance.obj to build hello.pyd

2004-12-11 Thread AIM
ll\msvc\debug>boost_python.CMD... ...skipped <@boost!libs!python!example!tutorial\hello.pyd\msvc\debug>hello.CMD for lack of <@boost!libs!python!build\boost_python.dll\msvc\debug>boost_python.lib... ...skipped <@boost!libs!python!example!tutorial\hello.pyd\msvc\debug>hello.pyd for lack of <@boost!libs!python!build\boost_python.dll\msvc\debug>boost_python.dll... ...skipped <@boost!libs!python!example!tutorial\hello.pyd\msvc\debug>hello.lib for lack of <@boost!libs!python!build\boost_python.dll\msvc\debug>boost_python.dll... ...failed updating 1 target... ...skipped 6 targets... W:\boost_1_31_0\libs\python\example\tutorial>dir hello*.* rem results: ALL hello.CMD hello.pyd hello.lib NOT FOUND Any Ideas about a possible solution? AIM --