Hi DL,
I started from here https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html .. And then
found out there should be more which is not covered here, so I was looking for
a book. And then got the journeyman book and started reading it. I am now on
chapter 11. Yet not bored and distracted. The author r
Good choice! (thought I recognised the example-problem) The three books
in the "Python Craftsman" series/bundle: "Apprentice", "Journeyman", and
"Master" are a thoroughly recommendable resource. As the titles infer,
they start at a beginner level and become more complex over time. Even
On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:04 AM Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> >output = ""
> >for num in n:
> >if (num % 3 == 0): output += "Fizz"
> >if (num % 5 == 0): output += "Buzz"
> >print(output or num)
> >
> You aren't initializing the output /inside/ the loop.
> Note that 0 is c
DL, the book I am reading is https://leanpub.com/python-journeyman .. It is an
awesome book. The code is in page #351.
David and Chris, The analogy you used to answer my questions were super
helpful. I could answer my own question by putting some effort by dry running
the code ofcourse.
adam.pre...@gmail.com wrote:
I've figured from this that I could do most
variable access by just generating LOAD/STORE_NAME and the FAST is an
(important) optimization.
Yes, that's possible, although access to intermediate scopes
(i.e. nonlocal) will need something else.
important exceptio
On Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 2:14:48 AM UTC+5:30, christia...@gmail.com
> Same with me, except that I tried to install Python 3.6.3. Unchecking
> "Install launcher for all users" helped, however.
Thank you. It helped me.