xrcg added the comment:
What is the probability that custom site install schemes will be supported
without requiring a patch before distutils is removed?
nosy: +xrcg
Python tracker
xrcg added the comment:
@FFY00: Thanks for the info.
>From what I quickly read, 3.10 will only deprecate distutils, and the removal
>is scheduled for 3.12. Is that correct? If so, the impending release of 3.10
>shouldn’t be a problem, as there are 2 more releases before distutil
xrcg added the comment:
I haven’t read everything in this convo, but it looks like the changes proposed
here cover all known downstream users other than Debian.
Is that correct?
Would these changes break Debian’s customizations substantially more than
they’ll already be broken by the
xrcg added the comment:
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