[issue18584] examples in email.policy doc are fu'd

2013-07-28 Thread rurpy
New submission from rurpy: In the first example in the documentation for library module email.policy (http://docs.python.org/3/library/email.policy.html#module-email.policy): >>> from email import msg_from_binary_file >>> from email.generator import BytesGenerator &

[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-12 Thread rurpy
rurpy added the comment: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger) msg177365: > For some of the points, a couple examples will do a better job of explaining > hex() that trying to write-out the full code specification in prose. Examples should never substitute for a clear, complete and c

[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-13 Thread rurpy
rurpy added the comment: An ammendment to my proposed doc change. Replace the text (which is unchanged from the current doc), "...the result is a valid Python expression" with, "...the result is a valid Python "hexinteger" literal (see link:[Python Lang Ref, se

[issue16677] Hard to find operator precedence in Lang Ref.

2012-12-13 Thread rurpy
New submission from rurpy: Python Language Reference, chapter 6 "Expressions". The last section (6.15) of this is titled, "Summary". That title is misleading -- it is not really a summary of the "Expressions" chapter but rather, as the first sentence ma

[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-24 Thread rurpy
rurpy added the comment: I would like to submit the following post made to c.l.p in support of my claim that a cross-reference to the string formatting "x" format specifier would be desireable in the documentation for the hex() builtin: Newsgroups: comp.lang.python Subject: Re:

[issue20003] Language Ref "raise" doc misssing "from None"

2013-12-16 Thread rurpy
New submission from rurpy: In the current (3.3.3 and 3.4dev) Language Reference Manual, the section on the Raise statement fails to mention that the second expression can be None (per PEP-409/415) or the special behavior (suppressing a chained exception) that ensues. Rather it explicitly

[issue10545] remove or rewrite "Using Backslash to Continue Statements" anti-idiom

2010-11-26 Thread rurpy the second
New submission from rurpy the second : The Python HOWTOs->Idioms and Anti-Idioms has a section "Using Backslash to Continue Statements". It says that line continuation is "dangerous" and gives two reasons. 1. Hard to see a space after the backslash. This is not &qu

[issue1397474] timeit execution enviroment

2011-01-11 Thread rurpy the second
rurpy the second added the comment: I find the changes suggested by T Reedy and refined in the patch by E Bendersky an improvement. However, I found the following things confused me when reading it: "...constructor creates a function..." the constructor creates a Timeit insta

[issue14973] restore python2 unicode literals in "ru" strings

2012-05-31 Thread rurpy the second
New submission from rurpy the second : PEP 414 proposes restoring the "u" string prefix (semantically as a "noop") to make porting from Python2 easier. I would like to propose that "ru"-strings also interpret embedded "\u" unicode literals in t

[issue15216] Support setting the encoding on a text stream after creation

2012-08-08 Thread rurpy the second
Changes by rurpy the second : -- nosy: +rurpy2 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue15216> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe:

[issue16180] cannot quit pdb when there is a syntax error in the debuggee (must kill it)

2012-11-19 Thread rurpy the second
rurpy the second added the comment: This continues to be a problem on Python-3.3.0 -- nosy: +rurpy2 versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 3.2 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue16

[issue12806] argparse: Hybrid help text formatter

2012-11-23 Thread rurpy the second
rurpy the second added the comment: I happened upon this issue while Googling for a formatter with the behavior described here. I put together a formatter derived from the code submitted by GraylinKim (2011-08-22) and offer it for consideration (though it is missing some things like

[issue12806] argparse: Hybrid help text formatter

2012-11-23 Thread rurpy the second
rurpy the second added the comment: Additional comment loosely related to the ParagraphFormatter offered in previous comment... [If this is not the right venue -- perhaps a new issue or one of the python mail lists would be better -- please tell me.] I notice that argparse.ArgumentParser

[issue16665] doc for builtin hex() is poor

2012-12-11 Thread rurpy the second
New submission from rurpy the second: The documentation of the hex() builtin function is poor. Specifically it does not say (directly) that: 1. The resulting string is prefixed with "0x". 2. Any a-f characters used are lower case. 3. Negative integers are converted by prefixing a