[issue5677] Serious interpreter crash and/or arbitrary memory leak using .read() on writable file

2010-01-30 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: related: f=open('test','w+b') f.write('123456789ABCDEF') #f.seek(0) print "position",f.tell() print '[',len(f.read()),']' f.close() windows: 2.6.2 mingw/ 2.6.

[issue35283] "threading._DummyThread" redefines "is_alive" but forgets "isAlive"

2018-11-22 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: > I guess the question is whether any other Python implementation is threadless? emscripten python ( cpython on asm.js or webassembly ) is threadless -- nosy: +pmpp ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issu

[issue35283] "threading._DummyThread" redefines "is_alive" but forgets "isAlive"

2018-11-22 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: about micropython, only unix port have thread basic implementation and garbage collector messes with EINTR actually so it is not very useable. unix port is only one on many, and is the less interesting port apart from running quick simulations

[issue35375] name shadowing while a module tries to import another

2018-12-02 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: hi you are obsverving that because current working directory is set *first* in sys.path as a commodity you can avoid that with import sys,os sys.path.remove( os.getcwd() ) at the start of your program. otherwise usually it is wise to put user module in a package

[issue35403] support application/wasm in mimetypes and http.server

2018-12-04 Thread pmpp
New submission from pmpp : web browsers have recently gained ability to run webassembly code and for that a new content type has to be add to web servers for optimal use: wasm => Content-Type header : application/wasm spec says it : https://webassembly.github.io/spec/web-api/index.h

[issue35243] readline timeout too long for async gfx use

2018-12-04 Thread pmpp
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[issue35292] Make SimpleHTTPRequestHandler load mimetypes lazily

2018-12-08 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: > and potentially other platforms? strangely, it does not. but adding a blocking read on first requests may ruin profiling data on any platform. isn't http.server reserved for instrumentation and testing ? -- nos

[issue35292] Make SimpleHTTPRequestHandler load mimetypes lazily

2018-12-08 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: ??? i never compared Instrumentation and profiling and what getting delta timing about the script behind the first http request has to do with performance ? <= that's actually another question thefirst was : isn't http.server reserved for instrumentatio

[issue35292] Make SimpleHTTPRequestHandler load mimetypes lazily

2018-12-08 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: the PR as it is actually add a blocking read (and maybe exceptions or whatever mimetypes modules decide to do) in processing of the first request to server, which has nothing to do with the code serving that request. I agree that makes no sense at all

[issue35292] Make SimpleHTTPRequestHandler load mimetypes lazily

2018-12-08 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: sorry i was on my free time when enumerating profiling/instrumentation and testing. given now you pay attention i'll try to explain more. instrumentation : what does that server actually support ? eg writing a test for a specific mimitype support eg

[issue34616] implement "Async exec"

2018-12-10 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: indeed adding async flag to compile and providing some 'aexec' is a very good idea ! *an async repl is really usefull when stuck with a threadless python* ( specific engines, or emscripten cpython ) "top-level async is invalid syntax" : Re

[issue34616] implement "Async exec"

2018-12-10 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: i already use prompt_toolkit on droid as it uses concurrent futures for completion and threads are allowed on that platform, and yeah it is quite good. but no way to use it on emscripten where cpython is 100% async ( it uses dummy_threading to load asyncio ). best

[issue35403] support application/wasm in mimetypes and http.server

2018-12-11 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Sure, but i was considering the cpython in the browser/webview/electron case where python modules are served as .wasm files, i'm about to do it for my port and pyodide already does. It would make sense to provide the *simplest* environnement for cpython to serv

[issue35503] os.path.islink() works with cygwin installation but not python.org

2018-12-14 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: afaik only cygwin and msys2 python flavours can handle *various* links and junctions. ( usefull tool http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/linkshellextension.html ) and testing symlinks is may be disabled in MSVCRT paths https://github.com/python/cpython/pull

[issue35858] Consider adding the option of running shell/console commands inside the REPL

2019-01-30 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Hi, maybe have a look to third parties for that because repl internals are tied to each supported platforms. https://xon.sh/index.html https://github.com/pmp-p/aioprompt https://github.com/prompt-toolkit -- nosy: +pmpp

[issue35813] shared memory construct to avoid need for serialization between processes

2019-02-04 Thread pmpp
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[issue35896] sysconfig.get_platform returns wrong value when Python 32b is running under Windows 64b

2019-02-04 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: i think that platform is called SysWoW64 and is more or less win32. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WoW64 -- nosy: +pmpp ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue35

[issue35896] sysconfig.get_platform returns wrong value when Python 32b is running under Windows 64b

2019-02-04 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: from what I remember it's a platform-vm where you can't call (host) 64bits abi or access (host) 64 bits registry. registry calls are overlaid under a "WoW64" branch in host registry. Nothing li

[issue35896] sysconfig.get_platform returns wrong value when Python 32b is running under Windows 64b

2019-02-05 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: > what is the difference sys.platform is defined by code path taken while compiling. it is hardcoded and really represents the os abi used of a *supported* platform, it is to be trusted. while sysconfig.get_platform() try to guess from various sources with more

[issue32637] Android: set sys.platform to android

2018-01-23 Thread pmpp
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[issue32203] [ctypes] test_struct_by_value fails on android-24-arm64

2018-01-23 Thread pmpp
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[issue32202] [ctypes] all long double tests fail on android-24-x86_64

2018-01-23 Thread pmpp
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[issue32654] Fixes Python for Android API 19

2018-01-25 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Thanks ! I tested your PR it just built out of the box with the help of a one line change to Xavier de Gaye's android build support tool ( configure-android script + Android folder from bpo-30386 ). I'll forward to you the result of testsuite on a $10 Arm

[issue32682] test_zlib improve version parsing

2018-01-26 Thread pmpp
New submission from pmpp : On some OS like android 4.0+, system libz.so gives funny versions number that prevent test_zlib from correctly parse it from zlib.ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/vstinner/cpython/pull/1.patch seems to fix "1.2.8-linuxfoundation

[issue32682] test_zlib improve version parsing

2018-01-26 Thread pmpp
Change by pmpp : -- keywords: +patch pull_requests: +5195 stage: -> patch review ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue32682> ___ ___ Python-

[issue32615] Inconsistent behavior if globals is a dict subclass

2018-01-26 Thread pmpp
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[issue32654] Fixes Python for Android API 19

2018-01-28 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: @yan12125 Hi, I ran some tests too and here are my findings: https://github.com/pmp-p/droid-pydk/tree/master/sources.32/build_logs * I used some dirty patchset to cover more tests https://github.com/pmp-p/droid-pydk/tree/master/sources.32/cpython-bpo-30386.patchset i

[issue26855] android: add platform.android_ver()

2018-02-02 Thread pmpp
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[issue31356] Add context manager to temporarily disable GC

2018-02-03 Thread pmpp
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[issue32682] test_zlib improve version parsing

2018-02-18 Thread pmpp
Change by pmpp : -- resolution: -> fixed stage: commit review -> resolved status: open -> closed ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue32682> ___ ___

[issue32604] Expose the subinterpreters C-API in Python for testing use.

2018-02-19 Thread pmpp
Change by pmpp : -- nosy: +pmpp ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue32604> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pyth

[issue30439] Expose the subinterpreters C-API in the stdlib.

2018-02-19 Thread pmpp
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[issue33021] Some fstat() calls do not release the GIL, possibly hanging all threads

2018-03-07 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: is fstat thread safe ? -- nosy: +pmpp ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue33021> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsub

[issue33021] Some fstat() calls do not release the GIL, possibly hanging all threads

2018-03-07 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: josh.r. i think you are right, i was worried if a nfs sillyrename is in progress, for eg a lock file ,then server hangs but thread lift the GIL and allow another thread to try to start to fstat the same path. -- ___ Python

[issue33042] New 3.7 startup sequence crashes PyInstaller

2018-03-15 Thread pmpp
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[issue33047] "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" using trace.py module

2018-03-16 Thread pmpp
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[issue33277] Deprecate __loader__, __package__, __file__, and __cached__ on modules

2018-04-21 Thread pmpp
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[issue33351] Support compiling with clang-cl on Windows

2018-04-24 Thread pmpp
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[issue33362] string strip() strips extra characters that it shouldn't

2018-04-25 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: lstrip(chars=None, /) method of builtins.str instance Return a copy of the string with leading whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead. all L D A / single chars get removed, while there is *any* of them of the

[issue33380] Update module attribute on namedtuple methods for introspection.

2018-04-29 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: I see that as a good fix, obviously Point definition belongs to __main__ in the sample, like would any other subclass defined there eg if "some" class is defined in awe.py module : >>> import awe >>> class my(awe.some):pass ...

[issue33380] Update module attribute on namedtuple methods for introspection.

2018-05-01 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Indeed thanks for the deep explanation. It seems that not finding im_self anymore (not even in the dunder clutter), i've mistaken '.__self__.__module__' with '.__module__'. How joyfull to learn anew to trace a caller id, and so

[issue33405] PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE no longer being respected

2018-05-02 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: indeed a3+ says : PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=0 LANG=C python3.7 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdin.encoding)" ANSI_X3.4-1968 but can reproduce on b3: PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=0 LANG=C python3.7 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdin.encoding)" utf-8 --

[issue33405] PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE no longer being respected

2018-05-02 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: b3 is also ok with the -X parameter : PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=0 LANG=C python3.7 -X utf8=0 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdin.encoding)" ANSI_X3.4-1968 -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.o

[issue33012] Invalid function cast warnings with gcc 8 for METH_NOARGS

2018-05-10 Thread pmpp
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[issue25711] Rewrite zipimport from scratch

2018-05-14 Thread pmpp
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[issue31710] setup.py: _ctypes won't getbuilt when system ffi is only in $PREFIX

2017-10-05 Thread pmpp
New submission from pmpp : --with-system-ffi is mandatory for linux build but no way is provided ( eg --with-ffi-includes= --with-ffi-libs= ) so setup.py can detect libffi already built in $PREFIX and $EPREFIX/lib. even if cflags/ldflags are ok , _ctypes build will be skipped with reason

[issue31732] Add TRACE level to the logging module

2017-10-12 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: As a dumb user I vote in favor of this on the ground that five levels is not sufficient for a long and that the need for finer distinctions already arose for me in practice. Till i overcame the mental cost to think, learn and *find time* on how to make a finer level

[issue31732] Add TRACE level to the logging module

2017-10-12 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Sorry, i didn't mean to be rude. Just wanted to pick your attention because i think you miss the point: logging as is it with its levels is perfect for *log messages*. Review the typical usage shown and you'll see that tracing level is for logging traceb

[issue33608] Add a cross-interpreter-safe mechanism to indicate that an object may be destroyed.

2018-05-22 Thread pmpp
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[issue33938] Cross compilation fail for ARM

2018-06-22 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Hi, in the log i see : checking for --with-system-ffi... no if you are sure your target ffi is ok then that could look a lot like what i had for python3 cross compile to armv7 android with a self built toolchain too : https://bugs.python.org/issue31710. iirc forcing

[issue34969] Add --fast, --best to the gzip CLI

2018-10-13 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: Hi, on platform without gzip ( there are some , including some widely used OS eg: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_docker/issues/507 ) ability to use python gzip cli is extremely usefull as a fallback. Though as discussed on irc default compression to 6 is a good

[issue35231] make install may not call ldconfig on posix

2018-11-13 Thread pmpp
New submission from pmpp : observed on ubuntu trusty x64 with release 3.7.1 at least when switching from "m" abi to "dm" abi sometimes libpython is not resolved in /usr/local/lib so maybe add "ldconfig" as a preventive mesure. -- components: Installati

[issue35231] make install may not call ldconfig on GNU/Linux

2018-11-13 Thread pmpp
Change by pmpp : -- title: make install may not call ldconfig on posix -> make install may not call ldconfig on GNU/Linux ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issu

[issue35231] make install may not call ldconfig on GNU/Linux when using --enable-shared

2018-11-13 Thread pmpp
Change by pmpp : -- title: make install may not call ldconfig on GNU/Linux -> make install may not call ldconfig on GNU/Linux when using --enable-shared ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issu

[issue35243] readline timeout too long for async gfx use

2018-11-14 Thread pmpp
New submission from pmpp : unlike https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame which is fires about each 1/60 second : the callback for gui via PyOS_InputHook is as long as 0.1 second. https://github.com/python/cpython/blob

[issue22412] Towards an asyncio-enabled command line

2018-11-14 Thread pmpp
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[issue35261] readline.c: PyOS_InputHook not protected against SIGWINCH

2018-11-15 Thread pmpp
New submission from pmpp : when using PyOS_InputHook from within readline module two signals are to be handled SIGINT and SIGWINCH SIGINT is really usefull in case hook has a problem though in some case it should be nice to prevent it too (async loop in repl background) but SIGWINCH is an

[issue35261] readline.c: PyOS_InputHook not protected against SIGWINCH

2018-11-15 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: oops use: python3 -i -u -B pih.py to run crash test -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue35261> ___ ___ Python-bug

[issue35261] readline.c: PyOS_InputHook not protected against SIGWINCH

2018-11-15 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: expected result would look like: python3.6 -i -u -B pih.py >>> Segmentation fault (core dumped) -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.or

[issue35274] Running print("\x98") then freeze in Interpreter

2018-11-19 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: hi i can reproduce with a ubuntu bionic or mint19 client toward a python3.4.3 reached via ssh server: - via mate-terminal or terminator : same behaviour as OP report - meanwhile using the same python3 directly via vnc + xterm gives : pm / # python3 Python

[issue35274] Running print("\x98") then freeze in Interpreter

2018-11-19 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 on the ssh line is the culprit unset LC_ALL , gives same lockup result. but: LC_ALL=C give sames results as vnc, where no locale was set. -- ___ Python tracker <https://bugs.python.org/issue35

[issue35274] Running print("\x98") then freeze in Interpreter

2018-11-19 Thread pmpp
pmpp added the comment: anything not using "libvte" is fine i suggest you try "mlterm" a very good multilingual terminal -- ___ Python tracker <https://bug