New submission from jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
the unknown_decl function is critical to dealing with MS Office
generated HTML files. There's no documentation of that. The default
behavior of the function is to error, which is reasonable, but it should
be stated in the do
jeff added the comment:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Terry J. Reedy wrote:
> Terry J. Reedy added the comment:
> Documentation issues should be component: documentation rather than library.
> When submitting one, please at least indicate the module or class concerned.
jeff added the comment:
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Terry J. Reedy wrote:
> In order for the doc maintainers to add an entry, someone knowledgeable must
> write it. Your paragraph of explanation is a start, but more editing is
> needed.
> Looking at dir(html.parser.
New submission from Jeff Cagle :
Squeezed text output currently opens in a viewer whose only functionality is
scrolling. Adding the Find widget a la IDLE would make the viewer much more
assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 413761
nosy: Jeff.Cagle, terry.reedy
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Is there anything else needed here?
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I didn't add one initially as I was just changing output format and not actual
behavior. I guess I could add something to ensure it doesn't regress? I'll
make sure there's coverage to begin with.
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Test to ensure html isn't included when the formatting is text. I don't seem
to be able to update the stage.
Added file:
Python trac
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Added everything to one file. Updated tests to also include a logdir argument
as that is required to trigger the original bug. Weeded out a spurious write
that occurred when format was set to text.
Added file:
Changes by Jeff McNeil :
Added file:
Python tracker
New submission from Jeff Yurkiw :
I discovered this while programming the command line interface for a python
program that can take a passed argument and throw it into the 'where like'
clause of a SQL expression (intended for a postgresql database).
The wildcard character for
Jeff Yurkiw added the comment:
That would probably work too.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
jeff deifik added the comment:
There are many possible solutions to this problem.
Personally, I think mine is the simplest, though it changes the API.
However, there have been several suggestions on simple fixes that don't change
the API, all of which fix the resource leak.
Doing no
New submission from Jeff McNeil :
Per discussion within Issue10050, URLopener ought to support the context
manager protocol. That allows more idiomatic usage and doesn't require calls to
contextlib.closing for use with the 'with' statement.
If agreed, I
Changes by Jeff McNeil :
type: -> feature request
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
In looking at this again, I may have spoken too soon. It seems that addinfobase
& HTTPResponse already handle this. As this is what's returned by the opener,
then what I was shooting for should already be handled.
status: open
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Isn't that snippet (contextlib.closing(...)) passing the result of
urllib.urlopen to closing? The urlopen call is a factory function of sorts, so
there's really no context to manage on its part? Maybe it's just a matter of
making that clear?
Jeff Blaine added the comment:
FWIW, this same problem exists with 2.7.1, compiled by myself, and only on some
Solaris 10 boxes of ours that have not had a lot of recent patching.
On an old-ish Solaris 10 box:
% /tmp
Changes by Jeff Blaine :
versions: +Python 2.7
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Jeff McNeil :
If cgitb.enable is ran with a logdir set and a format='text' argument, then a
trailing message is printed that includes tags. This should only happen if
the format requested is HTML.
The following tiny script shows the problem:
import cgitb
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I'll see if I can get it to reproduce and put a patch together.
Python tracker
Jeff Hull added the comment:
I also have this problem with text getting replaced with the exclamation point.
I am using this class.
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
Perhaps it didn't work for you because you didn't send it via email.
try this code
msgAlternative = MIM
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I entirely forgot I had signed up to look, my apologies.
I'm going through this w/ what's lying on Mercurial's tip, I can't reproduce it
at all. I can raise exceptions of various flavors from within the handle method
of a StreamRequestHand
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
This patch could no longer be applied cleanly on the 2.7 branch.
I have updated the patch so it applies cleanly to commit 22f991bb9b0b on the
2.7 branch.
nosy: +jramnani
Added file:
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
This patch applies cleanly as of rev 89af3880ca57 on branch default.
After applying the patch, I had two unit test failures when running,
"/python.exe -m test -v test_distutils", on OS X 10.6. The tests were failing
because they were not look
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
I've read through the doc and the code. All keyword arguments for
OptionParser.__init__() are in the documentation for branches 2.7 and default
(as of ecc176488349).
Does that mean this issue can be closed?
nosy: +jra
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
I've checked Lib/ and it tells the user to use 'Ctrl-Z' to exit the
prompt when they are running Windows.
Perhaps this means we can close the ticket, since discussion on this issue
seems to have dissipated?
Changes by Jeff McNeil :
nosy: +mcjeff
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
So, I've been meaning to get more into contributing back to Python and I found
this one somewhat interesting.
As it turns out, even the following simple script raises the same warning:
[jeff@martian cpython]$ ./python -c 'import urll
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
So, it turned out to be more complicated than that. The HTTPConnection object
returns an HTTPResponse, but never closes the underlying socket after calling
Since persistent connections aren't supported, nothing actually closes the
socket i
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Sounds good. I'll look at doing that, too.
versions: +Python 3.3
Python tracker
Changes by Jeff McNeil :
nosy: +mcjeff
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Alright, attaching a patch that reworks urlretrieve to use urlopen internal to
1. I dropped the local caching as it isn't turned on by default anyway (and
isn't really documented).
2. Updated documentation to reflect caching chan
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Made recommended changes. Moved to NamedTemporaryFile. I don't think the
spooled file makes sense here as the existing protocol provides a filename in
the returned tuple, not a f.l.o.
As far as the description? Here are a couple suggestions:
1. URL Retr
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Made requested change to Synopsis/Description.
Added file:
Python tracker
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I'll make those changes, sure. I had the same thought re: block size, but I
was trying to keep inline with what the current function did.
Python tracker
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Take four! Includes Antoine's suggestions. I changed the callback to return
(block num, read size, file size) as opposed to (block num, block size, file
size) as this seems to make more sense.
I appreciate the back and forth. I'd be happy to cre
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I'm not exactly sure what the steps are with respect to the DeprecationWarning.
Is the common case just to raise the warning in the __init__ method? Are there
related documentation changes?
Thanks again! Learning a ton. Hopefully the next patch I submit wi
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Just wanted to check so this doesn't sit with people waiting on me. Is there
anything else I need/should do to this patch? Little unclear on how to handle
the deprecation process.
Python tracker
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
I've reviewed your patch and it looks good. I appreciate the review and
The tests succeed for me after applying your patch. I also tested with
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I'd be happy to pick some of that stuff up. I'd like to address separately as
it keeps fewer concerns in this one patch. I'll grab them once they're created.
Python tracker
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
You are correct.
I have added 'description' to the docstring of the OptionParser class for 2.7
and default (python3 tip).
Here is the patch for python3 tip.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Jeff Ramnani added the comment:
Attaching the same patch for 2.7.
Added file:
Python tracker
Jeff Dean added the comment:
> * Patch Py_DeleteFileW in posixmodule.c so that it renames before
> deleting: should solve the problem overall but obviously has a
> possible wider impact, in general and on performance in particular.
> This rename might be a simple rename-to-guid
New submission from jeff deifik :
I have a program which calls filecmp.cmp a lot.
It runs out of memory.
I read the source to filecmp, and then I periodically set
filecmp._cache = {}
Without doing this, filecmp's cache uses up all the memory in the computer.
There needs to be a docum
Changes by Jeff Laughlin :
nosy: +Jeff.Laughlin
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Jeff Laughlin :
nosy: +Jeff.Laughlin
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Jeff Rodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Change current introduction in 1.1
Mac OS X 10.4 comes with Python 2.3 pre-installed by Apple. However, you are
encouraged to install the most recent version of Python from the Python website
( A ``uni
New submission from Jeff Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
reversed() built in is not functioning correctly with list (specifically
with len() )
l = [1,2,3,4]
rl = reversed(l)
vs. strings and tuples which just return 'reverse' objects
listreverseiterators apparently have
New submission from Jeff Pursell :
I tried to create a 4 second file and only heard the first 2 seconds. The file
size was correct for a 44.1 kHz, 16 bit mono file at 4 seconds, but both aplay
and audactiy ignored the second half of the file. I went to this page
Jeff Pursell added the comment:
Here's my fix. The left file is the original and the right file is my version.
Perhaps someone should check this patch on a big endian machine to make sure
there are no issues there. I do not anticipate any issues.
< nframes =
New submission from Jeff Binder :
Building Python 3.1.2 on Cygwin 1.7, I got errors in main.c stemming from a
warning: PATH_MAX redefined (see attached log). I got around this by
commenting out the #define. I don't know if the best solution is #ifndef,
#undef, or something else. .
New submission from Jeff McNeil :
I was going through the string formatting examples this evening and noticed
print '%(language)s has %(#)03d quote types.' % \
{'language': "Python", "#": 2}
The example uses a '#' as a map key
Changes by Jeff McNeil :
nosy: +mcjeff -j_mcneil
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
Attaching a patch against the trunk, unified format, changed to 'number' as per
versions: +Python 2.7 -Python 2.6
Added file:
Jeff McNeil added the comment:
I was toying with adding Unix Socket support for one of our internal tools and
I thought I ran into a leak in my own code. Searched the bug tracker and found
I tried to reproduce, but wasn't able to. Though, if you look at the
New submission from Jeff Foran:
Not sure where to put example code, but here it goes:
import weakref
class MyObj(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ref = weakref.ref(self)
def __del__(self):
print "HERE123", self.ref()
o = MyObj(
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that fixes this issue and adds a regression test.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +jbalogh
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that checks for '+' in the mode string, updates the
docs, and tests bad mode strings.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +jbalogh
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I've got this one.
nosy: +jbalogh
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that adds the deprecation warnings.
It's a bit dirty because there isn't a read or write function anymore,
so I had to make stubs that contain the warnings.
keywords: +patch
Added file: http:/
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that raises the warning.
Should the method documentation metion the deprecation as well?
keywords: +patch
nosy: +jbalogh
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a fixed patch that follows PEP 7 and updates Misc/NEWS.
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a fixed patch that follows PEP 7.
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that adds {get,set}_attr wrappers for fileobject
which warn about softspace usage.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +jbalogh
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I'll get this one.
nosy: +jeff.balogh
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that operator.{isCallable,sequenceIncludes},
including tests.
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that provides fixers for sys.exc_
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that implements optional_import().
The only arg included from __import__ is fromfile, as it's the only one
I needed to fix up the stdlib.
keywords: +patch
nosy: +jeff.balogh
Added file: http://bugs
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that removes ``from _winreg import *`` in, which will allow usage of optional_import.
Added file:
Tracker &
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that refactors the imports.
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
The previous winreg refactor patch didn't catch all the changes;
attaching a new patch that fixes everything, with help from Trent
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch, based on the previous patches, that fixes the stdlib
to use optional_import where ImportError was raised.
These need testing on various platforms to make sure all the
ImportErrors are caught. I'm on x86 Linux.
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Fixing the compare to raise the warning when cmp != NULL, and adding a
keywords: +patch
nosy: +jeff.balogh
Added file:
Tracker <[EMAIL
New submission from Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This patch fixes the TODO in test_py3kwarn
components: Tests
files: py3kwarn-refactor.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 64073
nosy: brett.cannon, jeff.balogh
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_py3kwarn doesn
Changes by Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Changes by Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Here's a new patch that uses PyErr_WarnEx, has a test, and even updates
Added file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
The patch works for me, and doesn't change anything except the test
Not having spaces in your path also helps. ;)
nosy: +jeff.balogh
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a revised patch that has a ``warnsunchanged`` test case.
Added file:
Changes by Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Changes by Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Attaching a patch that adds deprecation warnings in trunk.
Added file:
New submission from Jeff Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Current: indicates lineterminator = '\r\n'
Issue: looks fine in notepad but when pulled into excel (office 2003)
extra lines are added
Resolution: should read lineterminator = '\r'
components: Extensi
Jeff Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
you're absolutely correct, i apologize.
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
> What platform are you on? Did y
Changes by Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
doh! Attaching a new patch that actually contains a fixer.
Added file:
Changes by Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Jeff Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Updating the deprecation warnings patch to use PyErr_WarnPy3k and apply
correctly against current trunk.
Added file:
New submission from jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I compiled python 3.0 on a cygwin platform.
Here is my modest function:
def List_to_String(lis):
#return str.join(lis, '') # This is fast, but seems broke in 3.0
s = ''
Changes by jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
title: problem with str.join -> problem with str.join - should work with list
input, error says requires 'str' object
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I want to learn what is wrong with the code I have though.
My main goal is to understand python 3.0 better, rather than
fixing a specific problem.
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTE
jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Yes, it was
import string
string.join(lis, '')
I am still a bit confused though.
Why doesn't my code of str.join(lis, '') work?
I don't think str is a reserved word.
I suppose that python might be able
jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I fixed the code as follows:
return str.join('',lis)
I think it is readable, and I understand it.
Thanks everyone for clarifying everything
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
New submission from jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
def char_sieve():
char_data = array('c')
File ".../", line 78, in char_sieve
char_data = array('c')
ValueError: bad typecode (must be b, B, u, h, H, i, I, l, L, f or d)
New submission from jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I have a program that needs to output binary data to stdout.
I don't want to convert it to a string.
for example something like
to write a byte with all the bits turned on.
When I try this
jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I don't consider sys.stdout.buffer.write(b'abc')
to be an acceptable solution. There are many programs that need
to produce binary output with standard output. Consider uudecode
and similar programs.
There needs to be
New submission from jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I want to make my own data of types bytes in order to write it out.
For example, I want to write out the bytes 0..9
#!/usr/bin/env python3.0
foo = b''
for i in range (0,10):
foo += i
jeff deifik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Doesn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.0
import sys
foo = b''
for i in range (0,10):
foo += bytes(i)
produces a binary file of 45 bytes. Here is a hex dump (the '.'
represent unpr
Changes by Jeff Hall :
nosy: +laxrulz777
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Jeff Robbins :
Python 3.8.0b3 has the fixed, but one
of the documented features of PyStructSequence is the special
which is
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