[issue9692] UnicodeDecodeError in ElementTree.tostring()

2010-08-26 Thread Ulrich Seidl
New submission from Ulrich Seidl : The following code leads to an UnicodeError in python 2.7 while it works fine in 2.6 & 2.5: # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree oDoc = ElementTree.fromstring( '' ) oDoc.set( "ATTR", "ÄÖÜ&

[issue9692] UnicodeDecodeError in ElementTree.tostring()

2010-08-26 Thread Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl added the comment: Of course, if you use an unicode string it works and of course it would be easy to switch to unicode for this demo code. Unfortunately, the affected application is a little bit more complex and it is not that easy to switch to unicode. I just wonder why the

[issue9692] UnicodeDecodeError in ElementTree.tostring()

2010-08-26 Thread Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl added the comment: Well, the output of the print is not that interesting as long as ElementTree is able the restore the former attributes value when reading it in again. The print was just used to illustrate that an UnicodeDecodeError appears. Think about doing an

[issue9692] UnicodeDecodeError in ElementTree.tostring()

2011-01-11 Thread Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl added the comment: I would suggest adding an additional except branch to (at least) the following functions of ElementTree.py: * _encode, * _escape_attrib, and * _escape_cdata The except branch could look like: except (UnicodeDecodeError): return text.decode( encoding

[issue12931] xmlrpclib confuses unicode and string

2012-05-22 Thread Ulrich Seidl
Ulrich Seidl added the comment: The change set committed for 2.7 introduces another problem. At the beginning of xmlrpclib.py, there is an explicit test for the availability of unicode: try: unicode except NameError: unicode = None # unicode support not available In case unicode was