Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
>>> - RPM spec files, which use ASCII or UTF-8 according to
>>> but
>>> it’s not confirmed in
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Here's a usage where this matters. It's a simplification of the bug report
that I got that prompted me to open this. Let's say I have the following code:
def help():
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
It doesn't fix the problem as it falls into the third class of solutions (one
that requires cooperation by the system administrator to diagnose and fix).
OTOH, at this point in time I'm putting all of my packages in system packages
where the
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Distribute issue opened and patch based on Antoine's comments attached.
Python tracker
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi :
I have a compatibility module for subprocess in python-2.7 for people who are
stuck on python-2.4 (without check_call) and they got a traceback from trying
to use compat.subprocess.list2cmdline().
In order to use the stdlib's subprocess if it
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
IIRC, it was more along the lines of: all private names should be underscored.
The difference being that we get to choose whether currently non-underscored
names should get underscored, should be deprecated and then underscored, or
should be made public
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
For other's reference, there were three threads in November2010 that touch on
:About removing argparse.__all__ or adding more methods to it:
:Removing tk interface in
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi :
When trying to build distribute on the latest python-3.2rc I get the following
traceback in the unittests (two others that are similar as well):
ERROR: test_develop
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Ha! Your reply jogged my memory. MvL mentioned exactly the potential for this
backwards incompatibility here: when
talking about whether other API changes could go into distutils to
Changes by Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
nosy: +a.badger
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Tested on python-3.0rc1 -- Linux Fedora 9
I wanted to make sure that python3.0 would handle url's in different
encodings. So I created two files on an apache server which were named
½ñ.html. One of the filenames was encoded i
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Possibly. This is a change from python-2.x's urlopen() which escaped
the URL automatically, though. I can see the case for having the user
call an escape function themselves instead of having urlopen() perform
the escape for the
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
The purpose of such a function would be to take something that is not a
valid uri but 1) is a common way of expressing the way to get to the
resource and 2) follows certain rules and turns that into something that
is a valid uri. non
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Oh, that's cool. I've been fine with this being a request for a needed
function to quote and unquote full urls rather than a bug in urlopen().
I think iri's are a distraction here, though. The RFC for iris even
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On a Linux system with a locale setting whose encoding is utf-8, if you
set an environment variable to have a non-utf-8 chanacter, that
environment variable silently does not appear in os.environ::
mkdir ñ
convmv -f utf-8 -t l
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
It's not a feature it's a bug! :-) (I hope you meant to have a smiley
too ;-)
As stated in the os.listdir() related bug, on Unix filesystems filenames
are a sequence of bytes. The system encoding allows the user-level
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Yep :-) I am against throwing away valid data just because we can't
interpret it automatically. Environment variables in Unix hold bytes.
Those bytes are usually ASCii characters, however, they do not have to
be. This is a ca
Changes by Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
nosy: +a.badger
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
About your subprocess example: we choose to refuse it because we don't
mix bytes (your non decodable PATH) and unicode ('')
If python3 is doing things right we shouldn
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
When using some distutils functions, distutils attempts to use buildtime
files like Makefile and pyconfig*.h as data sources. For instance, this
from distutils.command.install import install
from distutils.core
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Pardon, but when you close something as wontfix it's polite to say why.
Python tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I tried to repeat the test in and found
that the descriptors will close if you read from the file before closing.
so this leads to open descriptors::
import urllib2
f = urllib2.urlopen
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
One further data point. On two rhel5 systems with identical kernels,
both x86_64, both python-2.4.3... basically, everything I've thought to
check identical, I ran the test code with in an infinite loop.
One system o
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Is it a bug? If so, then it should be retargetted to 3.1 instead of
closed wontfix. If it's not a bug then there should be an explanation
of why it's not a bug.
As for fixing it there are several inelegant methods that
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I'm sorry but "For the moment, this case is just not supported." is not
an explanation of why this is not a bug. It is a statement that the
interpreter cannot handle a situation that has arisen.
If you said, "
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
@a.badger: The behaviour (drop non encodable strings) is not really a
problem if you configure correctly your program and computer. Eg. you
spoke about CGI-WSGI: if your website also speak UTF-8, you will
Toshio Kuratomi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
> The bug tracker is maybe not the right place to discuss a new Python3
It's a bug! But if you guys want it to be a feature, then what mailing
list do I need to join? Is there one devoted to Unicode or is
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I believe this is a duplicate of and could
be closed in favor of that issue.
38956 also has a Pull Request to fix the issue which is awaiting a re-review.
nosy: +a.badger
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi :
This is related to but a different symptom
(and the current proposed fix for 38956 will not fix this. My proposed fixes
for this would also fix 38956).
I have the following code which uses BooleanOptionalAction along
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
pull_requests: +26275
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
PR Opened.
A fix for this should be backported as well. However, if you decide you don't
want the refactor backported, you can merely continue to change the condition
inside of BooleanOptionalAction to repeat all of the same checks as are
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi :
I was trying to use multiprocessing (via a
concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor) and encountered an error when pickling
a custom Exception. On closer examination I was able to create a simple test
case that only involves pickle:
import pickle
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
title: pickling exceptions with mandatory keyword args will traceback -> pickle
exceptions with mandatory keyword args will traceback
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Thanks! I confirm that your PR
for fixes this problem.
Closing this one.
resolution: -> duplicate
stage: -> resolved
status: open -&g
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi :
An sdist may contain files whose names are undecodable in the current locale.
For instance, the sdist might include some files for testing whose filenames
are undecodable because that's the format of the input for that application.
Currently, tryi
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13378
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I like the idea of defaulting to UTF-8 (although I think you'll have to build
consensus as to whether that's the right thing to do here) but it won't handle
the use case here. There's a need to handle files which are undecodable an
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
>From my initial description:
"An sdist may contain files whose names are undecodable in the current locale.
For instance, the sdist might include some files for testing whose filenames
are undecodable because that's the format of the i
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Uploading a minimal test case.
$ tar -xzvf test-case.tar.gz
$ python3.7 sdist
running sdist
running check
warning: sdist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.txt,
reading manifest template '
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Okay, pushed a fix for regenerating the MANIFEST as well.
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Are the distutils unittests disabled? And if so is there a reason? I was
looking to add test cases to my PR and found that I couldn't get them (or
indeed any distutils unittests) to run when trying to only target the distutils
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Figured out the answer to my last question while looking into fixing it. The
devguide documents both running tests via regrtest and running them via
unittest test discovery. regrtest works:
./python -m test -v distutils.test
But unittest doesn
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I'll take a look at this one.
nosy: +a.badger
Python tracker
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13046
stage: needs patch -> patch review
Python tracker
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
pull_requests: +13064
stage: test needed -> patch review
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I've opened a new PR at with the
commit from and some additional
changes to address the review comments given by serhiy.storchaka and rbcollins
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
The error message is reporting the path. However, it is only the path
component that is specified in the call to the function.
This behaviour is not limited to the posix_spawnp() function but happens with
any interface that can look up a command in the
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Additionally, the os module is supposed to closely follow the behaviour of the
underlying operating system functions:
> The design of all built-in operating system dependent modules of Python is
> such t
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I'm still debugging this but it may be an off-by-one error in ncurses,
wresize.c. I've found that if I modify the following section in ncurses, our
problem goes away:
* Dispose of unwanted memory.
if (!(win->_fl
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Ah okay, I'll see what information posix_spawnp() (the C function) returns on
error for that case.
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Yeah, I've verified what Victor said about the OS not giving us enough
information to tell what file is causing the issue. However, I wonder if we
should change the error message to be less confusing? I'm a godawful C
programmer but maybe some
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I've diagnosed this a bit further and have a workaround for you. It appears
that using addstr() with a string with embedded newlines is a piece of the
problem. If I modify your example program so that we add each line as a
separate string inste
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
My upstream (ncurses) bug report:
Python tracker
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13120
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Hey doko, I was just looking through the oldest gettext bugs and found this bug
open. It was caused by your commits here:
. It feels like we have a few choices:
* revert the LANGUAGE ordering change which would take
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
As this problem does not affect Python3 I think it's up to the 2.7 release
manager to decide if it should be merged. benjamin, what do you think? If you
want it, I'll open a PR on github for it.
nosy: +a.badger, benjami
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Eric, I'm CC'ing you on this issue because I'm not sure if you've considered
f-strings and gettext and figured out a way to make them work together. If you
have, I can look into adding support for extracting the strings to pygettext
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Note, I've been doing some tests of how our gettext module differs from GNU
gettext and run into a few bugs and lack of features which make msgfmt unusable
and limit pygettext's usefulness.
* msgfmt doesn't seem to store the charset from th
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
A note about the msgfmt problem. It looks like GNU gettext's msgfmt has a
similar problem but the msgfmt from pybabel does not. This may mean that we
need to change the gettext *Translation objects to be more tolerant of
non-ascii encodings (pe
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
>From the description, I think the bug is that filenames that *begin* with
>non-ascii are not searched for tests. Looking at the test_dir.tar.gz
>contents, this is the test case that I'd use:
$ python3 -m unittest discover -vv -p
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Scratch what I said in
GNU msgfmt does extract the charset correctly. (My previous test faile
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I tested a small C program and found that setlocale takes precedence for
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *message1;
//setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
setlocale (LC_ALL, &q
Change by Toshio Kuratomi :
pull_requests: +13173
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Hi Josiah, I've tested my sample program and it looks like the segmentation
fault is fixed with ncurses-6.1-20190511:
Are you able to give that a try and see whether it resolves the
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi :
The current kqueue documentation specifies that timeout is a keyword argument
but it can only be passed as a positional argument right now:
>>> import select
>>> ko = select.kqueue()
>>> ko.control([1], 0, timeout=10)
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I don't believe (kqueue.control at least) is a regression from Argument Clinic.
Both the documentation and the behaviour are the same in Python-2.7.
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Nick and I had talked about this at a recent conference and came to it from
different directions. On the one hand, Nick made the point that any encoding
of surrogateescape'd text to bytes via a different encoding is corrupting the
data as a whole. O
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
So, is this a security issue? I've been wondering if I should apply the
attached patch to the backports-ssl_match_hostname module on pypi. I was
hoping there'd be some information here as to whether this will be going into
the stdlib in the fut
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Took a look at this and was able to reproduce it on Fedora Linux 20 and current
cpython head. It is somewhat random though. I'm able to get reasonably
consistent failures using image/jpeg and iterating the test case about 20 times.
Additionally, it
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Ahh... added to the nosy list and bug closed all before I got up for the day ;-)
A few words:
I do think that python is broken here.
I do not think that translating everything to utf-8 if ascii is the locale's
encoding is the solution.
As I would sta
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Looking at the glib code, this looks like the SO post is closer to the truth.
The API documentation for g_filename_to_utf8() is over-simplified to the point
of confusion. This section of the glib API document is closer to what the code
is doing:
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Yes, it returns a list but unless I'm missing something in the general case
it's the caller's responsibility to loop through the charsets to test for
failure and try again. This is not done automatically.
In the specific case we're
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
It's not a bug for upstart, systemd, sysvinit, cron, etc to use LANG=C. The
POSIX locale is the only locale guaranteed to exist on a system. Therefore
these low level services should be using LANG=C. Embedded systems, thin
clients, and other low memo
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
My impression was that python3 was supposed to help get rid of UnicodeError
tracebacks, not mojibake. If mojibake was the problem then we should never
have gone down the surrogateescape path for input
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
sed is one of the programs we assume is always present when we build
packages in Fedora which is probably also what is wanted here. (A
default install of Fedora will include sed but someone might be able to
create a minimal install that did not include it
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Agreed. The substitution is still needed.
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Hey tarek, the main thrust of this bug for me was storing the data in an
inappropriate format and not having an API to get at it; things that I
think the sysconfig branch will address. Does it make sense to have a
bug to track that progress? Does it make
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi:
Tested on python-3.2 and python-3.3. platform.platform() looks for a file in
/etc/ that looks like it will contain the name of the Linux distribution that
python3 is running on. Once found, it reads the contents of the file to have a
name for the Linux
Changes by Toshio Kuratomi :
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I agree. In my experience, utf-8 is the most common encoding. Updated patch
that defaults to utf-8 instead of the user's locale is attached.
Added file:
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I found some "standards" docs that could bear on this:
Appendix D:
"D.1 The ZIP format has historically supported only the original IBM PC
character encoding set, commonly referred to a
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
I'm at pycon. I'll find someone during the sprints to teach me how the
unittests are organized.
Python tracker
New submission from Toshio Kuratomi:
unittest.mock provides a mock_open convenience function[1]. The convenience
function handled but does not handle file.readline() or
file.readlines(). I'll attach a patch that adds support for both of these
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Matthias, Barry, and I looked at this at pycon today. It looks a bit like the
original intent was to have
SO = ".so"
SOABI = "cpython-32mu"
and then CPython extension module suffixes would be:
so_ext = ''.join(&q
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Updated patch that includes unittests and fixes readlines() newline behaviour.
Added file:
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
3rd version of the patch.
* Added some documentation to untitest.mock.rst
* Changed the code so that read, readline, and readlines all deplete the same
copy of read_data.
Added file:
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Okay, new version of the patch with a unittest.
Re: os-release; I don't believe the current code can handle that file. i\It
changes format from a simple string (in most Linux distros) to key value pairs.
We'll probably need an update to the co
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Added NEWS file. Rebased against hg default. Ready for review.
Added file:
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Okay, here's the first version of a patch to add surrogate support to a
zipfile. I think it's the minimum required to fix this bug.
When archiving, if a filename contains surrogateescape'd bytes, it switches to
cp437 when it saves the fi
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Version 2 of the patch
* fixes for the style problems noted by ezio.melotti
Added file:
Python tracker
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Patch fixing the issues raised in r.david.murray's review:
* Merged _find_linux_release_file() back into linux_distribution() and broke
out _UNIXCONFDIR module level variable to enable mocking of the unittest data
* Fix already present style iss
Toshio Kuratomi added the comment:
Note for doko/barry: The multiarch/Tuples page should have a section on how the
MultiArch Tuples interact with hwcaps (or a link to such a section in a
different document). The rationale for not using Gnu-Triplets in
MulitArch/Tuples currently says that we
92 matches
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