New submission from Thomas Wouters :
The PyUnicode_FSConverter function has confusing reference semantics, and
confusing documentation. says the
output argument "must be a PyBytesObject* which must be released when it
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
test_pathlib contains, in PosixPathTest.test_expanduser, a check that
expanduser on a nonexistent user will raise RuntimeError. Leaving aside the
question why that's a RuntimeError (which is probably too late to fix anyway),
the test performs this
Change by Thomas Wouters :
nosy: +twouters
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I'd like to check this into the trunk, without the non-step-1 support
for now, so that we can remove simple slicing from the py3k branch. We
can always add non-step-1 support later (all the sooner if someone who
isn't me volunteers to do the painful bi
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I prefer the current method, as it's more obviously walking in two
strides across the same array. I also dislike hiding the final memmove()
of the tail bit inside the loop. As for which is more obvious, I would
submit neither is obvious, as it took me qu
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Committed revision 57619.
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Committed revision 57619.
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Committed revision 57619.
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Committed revision 57619.
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Committed revision 57619.
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Committed revision 57619.
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
New submission from Thomas Wouters:
test_cmd_line tests various things by spawning sys.executable.
Unfortunately it does so without passing the -E argument (which 'make
test' does do) so environment variables like PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH
can cause the test to fail.
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Added tests (by duplicating any slicing operations in the test suite
with extended slice syntax, to force the use of slice-objects ;)
Changes by Thomas Wouters:
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Thomas Wouters:
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Well, that's not quite how I implemented the slicing, and it's also not
how the existing simple-slicing was implemented: A negative start index
is taken to mean 0, and a stop index below the start index is taken to
mean 'the start index'
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Hmmm Well, that's fine by me, but it changes current behaviour, and
in a way that ctypes own testsuite was testing, even ;) (it does, e.g.,
'p[:4]' in a couple of places.) Requiring the start always would
possibly break a lot of code. We coul
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Checked in a slightly newer version.
resolution: accepted -> fixed
status: open -> closed
New submission from Thomas Wouters:
test_smtplib fails because asyncore uses bytes(data) where data may be
bytes or str or some undefined type. The attached patch fixes it to the
extend that test_smtplib works again (plus a small fix in test_smtplib
itself.) I'm not sure if this is the
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Checked in.
resolution: accepted -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I agree, but the change wasn't actually mine. I merely adjusted the
already-implemented strategy to the fact that bytes(str) no longer
works. I think the original change was Jeremy H's.
Tracker <[EMAIL PROT
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
The addition of the _posixsubprocess module in 3.2 introduced a change of
behaviour when passing an empty dict (or other false value besides None) as env:
python3.1 -c 'import subprocess; print(subprocess.Popen(["env"], env={},
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
For what it's worth, the need for a bootstrap-module has also come up within
Google, where we have... somewhat different requirements than most. In order
to fix import paths in a way that works even when using "python -S", I had a
need to
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Here's the patch implementing this, which I'd attached to Issue11561 (although
I noticed 'hg diff' omitted the empty file.)
keywords: +patch
nosy: +twouters
Added file:
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
superseder: -> Thread shutdown exception in Thread.notify()
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
This patch adds support for the GCC visibility attributes to the PyAPI_* macros
(currently only used for Windows.) GCC's default visibility is 'public', but
can be changed to 'hidden' with the '-fvisibility=hidden' arg
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
This patch adds support for the GCC visibility attributes to the PyAPI_* macros
(currently only used for Windows.) GCC's default visibility is 'public', but
can be changed to 'hidden' with the '-fvisibility=hidden' arg
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed message:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Uploaded to Rietveld, too:
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
Fix a (double) typo in the Makefile, which prevents 'make
DESTDIR=relative/path' from working correctly.
files: destdir.diff
keywords: easy, needs review, patch
messages: 130146
nosy: twouters
priority: normal
severity: normal
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Checked into 2.7, 3.1, 3.2 and default (d121681ed1cc, 12f0da000dc4,
686df11f0a14, bb2a9ea5c7d0.)
resolution: -> fixed
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
The cygwin changes are no-ops, just refactoring the needlessly nested if
statement for clarity. I can revert them.
The getargs.c change *is* necessary, although it doesn't have to be that exact
change. The problem is that the functions in that block ar
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
According to distutils' test_bdist_rpm, bdist_rpm fails when running Python
with -B/PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE. (bdist_rpm or its test doesn't pass -B along
but also doesn't use -E, so the test-failure shows up when setting the
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
This patch tweaks a few tests that currently rely on .pyc files being written,
causing them to fail (or crash) when running 'make test TESTPYTHONOPTS=-B'. All
these are purely test failures, not failures in the tested code (unlike issue
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Added file:
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Windows/Cygwin parts of the patch reverted and new patch uploaded. My point
about the _Py*_SizeT functions is that they're only declared when you define
PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN, and I don't know if we want to change that (I don't think it
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I couldn't really care less about bdist_rpm, I'm just reporting a bug in it
when not writing .pyc files (through PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE.) I encountered it
while making the testsuite do the right thing when not writing bytecode (see
issue #11420.
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I'll incorporate that change into issue #11420 then, and close this (and harp
on bdist_rpm2 if it ever lands in the stdlib and has the same issue :-)
resolution: -> wont fix
status: open -> closed
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
As per issue #11417, updated to also skip the tests in
distutils/tests/ when not writing bytecode.
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Added file:
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
As discussed at the language summit at PyCon 2011, some code takes some
liberties with setting class attributes to callable objects, like CFunctions,
that (C)Python does not turn into methods. This is problematic because 1)
CPython can't then turn
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
What is the actual performance impact of this change? As far as I can see the
difference is almost entirely in .pyc (on-disk) size, as when loading most of
these constants are interned anyway. Even the on-disk change is minimal - and I
say that as a person
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
The buffer docs on list
PyObject_CopyToData, but no such function seems to exist.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 130717
nosy: docs@python, twouters
priority: normal
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Eh, I mean PyObject_CopyToObject.
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
title: Docs list nonexistant PyObject_CopyToData function -> Docs list
nonexistant PyObject_CopyToObject function
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New version of the patch; instead of triggering at attribute *access*, this
just checks when creating types and in type_setattro. It also makes the warning
a newly added CompatibilityWarning. Also, instead of warning for all
non-descriptors, it now only
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I'm not surprised this test takes up more memory... It claims to take up 9
times the test size in memory, with a minimum useful test size of 1G. With a
limit of 12G that would make the test size about 1.33G. However, it then
proceeds to build a tuple o
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
You have a nan in your list of tuples, which screws up the sorting. After the
first sort, elements 580395-7 are:
(0.99257340581672904, 551095),
(nan, 551371),
(6.6494600485570754e-14, 551526),
nosy: +twouters
resolution: -> invalid
status: o
New submission from Thomas Wouters : is showing the docs for 2.6.5c2. As its most obvious bad
consequence, doesn't offer any actual downloads,
and there are no obvious (to newbies looking to download docs) links to working
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Things getting worse before they get better? now shows
the 2.7a4 documentation, which is really not good. Perhaps we need some
safeguards to make sure that is a *stable* version of
the docs? :P
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Oh, actually, looks like something was redirecting from to It seems fixed now. (It wasn't just me, though, I got
complaints from others that it was 2.7a4 for at least an
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Thomas Wouters :
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
Nevermind the 2.7a4 comments, I think I'm just not all awake yet. The
complaints I got were about it being 2.6.5c2, my browser showing me 2.7a4 may
have been stupid autocompletion or something. (Still, pleas
Changes by Thomas Wouters:
assignee: twouters -> nobody
nosy: +nobody
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I thought I already had, in my reply to Martin and the original comment:
he's right, but I don't care about asyncore or asynchat. I merely
perpetuated the fix that was already in place. The real 'fix' is to
teach both modules about unicode;
New submission from Thomas Wouters:
Patch to backport dictviews to trunk. Consists of some trickery:
- new 'viewkeys', 'viewvalues' and 'viewitems' methods of dicts,
returning exactly what 'keys', 'values' and 'items' return in 3.0
Changes by Thomas Wouters:
Removed file:
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
After talking to Guido, got rid of the future import magic in favour of
just providing 'viewkeys', 'viewitems' and 'viewvalues' methods of
dicts. This makes efficient 2.6-and-3.0 dict-using code possibly by
making 2to3 translate the
New submission from Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
The attached patch adds the missing *-unpacking generalizations.
>>> a, b, *c = range(5)
>>> *a, b, c = a, b, *c
>>> a, b, c
([0, 1, 2], 3, 4)
>>> [ *a, b, c ]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
> Didn't you say it does sets too? Does this work?
> a = [1, 2,
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
> Looking at the flatten() example I'm curious -- how come the
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Updated patch: reworked some internals, and added generalization of
functioncalls after talking with Guido. *args is now considered just
another positional argument, and can occur anywhere in the positional
argument section. It can also
Changes by Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
No, it's what you asked for in msg63551:
> How about dicts?
> kwds = {'z': 0, 'w': 12}
> {'x': 1, 'y': 2, **kwds} # {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 0,
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Agreed. A PEP was already on my TODO list (although I don't mind if
someone else picks it up :-) I implemented the
dict-unpacking-in-dict-literal syntax in the mean time; it's pushed to
the starunpack bzr branch, but I
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Alexander Belopolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
> Thomas,
> Could you add BUILD_*_UNPACK opcodes document
Changes by Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Removed file:
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I'm not sure how this matters. The order of evaluation is the same, the
BUILD_SET implementation just hashes the evaluated items in a different
order. You can't really rely on that particular order as it's tied
Thomas Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I don't think the order in which the items are hashed is really what
Raymond was worried about. Rather, the size of the stack was, and the
effect of having all the items on the stack at the same time. I think
Raymond is wrong i
Change by Thomas Wouters :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +15410
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset b4612f5d54aced5bc37f1b85bf50b4cafa2480f0 by T. Wouters in branch
bpo-37589: Add a few missing dependencies on .h files in the Makefile.
Change by Thomas Wouters :
pull_requests: +15422
Python tracker
Change by Thomas Wouters :
assignee: -> twouters
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 3cbc23aa229bc5ec04845053df78eae5f54e0497 by T. Wouters (Greg
Price) in branch 'master':
bpo-37758: Cut always-constant conditionals on sys.maxunicode. (GH-15302)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 682107cf458578ee6bd92b7cc6862113034a4fad by T. Wouters (Zackery
Spytz) in branch 'master':
bpo-36279: Ensure os.wait3() rusage is initialized (GH-15111)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 92709a263e9cec0bc646ccc1ea051fc528800d8d by T. Wouters (Sergey
Fedoseev) in branch 'master':
bpo-37840: Fix handling of negative indices in bytearray_getitem() (GH-15250)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset ccaea525885e41c5f1e566bb68698847faaa82ca by T. Wouters (Victor
Stinner) in branch '3.8':
Revert "bpo-33418: Add tp_clear for function object (GH-8058)" (GH-15826)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 43c9731334470573209464b7f67914d386457efc by T. Wouters (Serhiy
Storchaka) in branch 'master':
bpo-38083: Minor improvements in and Python-ast.c. (GH-15824)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
This doesn't feel like a change that's worth backporting to 3.8 at this point.
Do you agree? Is there anything left to do for this bug?
Python tracker
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 4f384af067d05b16a554bfd976934fca9f87a1cf by T. Wouters (Dino
Viehland) in branch 'master':
bpo-38076: Make struct module PEP-384 compatible (#15805)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset a1ffad07195b8b976f8c371a92028240946d4e76 by T. Wouters (Dino
Viehland) in branch 'master':
bpo-38074: Make zlib extension module PEP-384 compatible (GH-15792)
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
New changeset bd0c7a12d9e28ce74bfc16244d7694aca906838c by T. Wouters (Dino
Viehland) in branch 'master':
bpo-38071: Make termios PEP-384 compatible (GH-15785)
New submission from Thomas Wouters :
New changeset 40a5313edfc18173d136bb5e19495880934b7d83 by T. Wouters (Dino
Viehland) in branch 'master':
bpo-38072: PEP-384 grpmodule (GH-15788)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset f1c19031fd5f4cf6faad539e30796b42954527db by T. Wouters (Benjamin
Peterson) in branch 'master':
bpo-38068: Clean up gettimeofday configure logic. (GH-15775)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 57ea33560662e0f20a3b0334bb20065771edf4da by T. Wouters (Jeroen
Demeyer) in branch 'master':
bpo-37619: update_one_slot() should not ignore wrapper descriptors for wrong
type (GH-14836)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset eb1bc48c74f4f8af88b5276729f9652201e46324 by T. Wouters (Miss
Islington (bot)) in branch '3.8':
bpo-37619: update_one_slot() should not ignore wrapper descriptors for wrong
type (GH-15838)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
I don't think this should be backported to 3.7 at this point; if you disagree
feel free to reopen the bug.
resolution: -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed
Python t
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset a9b6033179b64b985394ad351501089a6a94fc9d by T. Wouters (Ben
Harper) in branch 'master':
bpo-36253: Remove use after free reference in ctypes test suite (GH-12257)
Thomas Wouters added the comment:
New changeset 3f4db4a0bab073b768fae958e93288bd5d24eadd by T. Wouters (Gregory
P. Smith) in branch 'master':
bpo-28494: Test existing zipfile working behavior. (GH-15853)
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