New submission from Thomas Guettler :
In changeset fe6be0426e0d the format() method was changed. Unfortunately it
does not catch all unicode decode errors.
I think line 482 of logging/ should be modified:
to this (add 'replace'):
s = s + record.exc_t
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
Added file:
Python tracker
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
I attached a testcase ( If the
filesystemencoding is UTF-8 and the source code is encoded in latin1, then the
logging fails. It happens because there is a German umlaut in the comment
behind 1/0.
I added 'replace
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
from email.header import decode_header
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/email/
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
This happens on Python3:
root@ubuntu1004devel64:~# python3
Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Sep 27 2010, 09:57:50)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
I received this email. Here is the creator:
X-Mailer: CommuniGate Pro MAPI Connector
Python tracker
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Yes, I think this can be closed, too.
nosy: +guettli
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
I get the following traceback. I created a patch against email/
from SVN branch python2.7
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/email/", line 93, in decode_header
dec = email.quoprimime.header_decode(encoded)
File "/usr/
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
Added file:
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
the documentation of "globals()" is missing a note if you can update
the dictionary:
For "locals()" it is documented:
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
A link from
would help young people to understand sets.
Of course it is the same for intersection(), difference(), and
New submission from Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
The current documentation of etree [1] does not explain the
syntax of the supported xpaths.
[1] current documation:
[2] ElementTree supported XPath:
New submission from Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
after sphinx-quickstart and running "make latex" I get:
Build finished; the LaTeX files are in build/latex.
Run `make all-pdf' or `make all-ps' in that directory to run these through
Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
Dear georg,
I am sorry that I wasted your time. Yes, I ignored the part ' that
I couldn't find a way to close this ticket, also I am logging in. Do you
need special privileges for this?
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:
I was hit by this bug in Django. The ticket URL:
It would be nice if this could be fixed.
nosy: +guettli
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
> Trace functions should have three arguments: frame, event, and arg. frame is
> the current stack frame.
It would be super cool, if "current stack frame" could be a hyperlink to
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
The docs for `` could get improved:
Up to now it is not clear how to access individual members of the call.
Example: I want to check if the call used the kwarg "foo" with th
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
Please remove this page or at least the code snippet
containing `from distutils.core import setup`
on this page:
There is the more up to date doc here:
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
AFAIK cls.__subclasses__() only returns the classes which the interpreter has
already loaded.
This means there can be more subclasses in modules where not imported by the
current interpreter up to now.
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
I have the same issue on Python 2.7.12 (Ubuntu 16.04)
I tried to execute But I could not find a way how to create the tar
which is needed for
nosy: +guettli
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
Up to now there is no thread way to read the umask in Python
You can use this pattern:
current_umask = os.umask(0) # line1
os.umask(current_umask) # line2
return current_umask
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
The documentation of codecs.readline() has a link to the readline module.
That the same word with a total different meaning!
The GNU readline module is about the
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
The stream reader of breaks on undocumented characters:
import tempfile
fd=open(temp, 'wb')
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Only few people seem to use daemon threads. We do and see this problem often
with Python 2.7.
How difficult is it to get this fixed for 2.7?
Is there a way to work around this problem?
nosy: +guettli
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
There are some examples to work around this for Python2:
nosy: +guettli
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
This is a documentation bug: Since #1856 is not solved for Python2, it needs
to be documented.
Daemon Threads on Python2 can seg fault.
Work arounds:
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
Imagine you write a small console script which is implemented like a library.
This tool has to do two things: the console script needs to configure the
logging, and the library needs to use it.
The library usage of logging it easy well documented
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Thank you for reading and replying.
Yes, I wrote no concret proposal up to now.
I have this solutions in mind:
Loading a python module
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Just for the record.
Here are the discussions about this topic on the python-ideas mailing list:
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: -guettli
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Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
The current argparse documentation is not easy to read people new to python.
current: parser.add_argument('foo', choices='abc')
Please make this more explicit:
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
If you search for "printf" in the docs you get this result:
Please have a look at the first results. I guess most people don't want to see
docs abou
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
For Python 2.x there is a backport of the subprocess module of 3.x:
It has the timeout argument for call() and pipe.wait().
Python tracker
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
What kind of patch do you want? Documentation patch or fixing the bug in the
I am not a native speaker, that's why I avoid documentation patches.
For me, the issue is solved. It is documented in stackoverflow and here.
Since Python2 wi
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
I think the docs of argparse still contain confusing magic:
You know what it does and I know it. But a lot of people new to Python, don't
understand what this should be.
Please use:
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
On "smtplib example":
should be a link to:
I think the smtplib example is bad, since the email gets created with a
string. That's n
Changes by Thomas Guettler :
nosy: +guettli
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
It would be very nice if'...', exc_info=True)
shows the calling/upper frames, too.
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Guettler :
logging.error('...', exc_info=True) only displays the
frames downward. But I often need the upper frames, to debug a problem.
This example shows, that you don't see the "upper" frame in the stactrace. But
that's information
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Related: #1553375
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Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Related #9427
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Thomas Guettler added the comment:
I tested it only on python 2.6. Can someone please look at more reset versions?
Python tracker
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Until exc_info=True prints the current stack, I use this pattern:
import traceback
logging.error(u's...\nStack: %s' % (
''.join(traceback.format_stack())), exc_info=True)
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Who has enough knowledge of the tarfile module to create a good patch?
nosy: +guettli
Python tracker
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
I uploaded a broken tar for testing:
===> LANG=C tar -xf tar_which_is_cut.tar
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
===> python
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
I thought about this again.
It could be solved with the help of a ByteCountingStreamReader.
With ByteCountingStreamReader I mean a wrapper around a stream like
codescs.StreamReader. But the ByteCountingStreamReader should not changes the
content, but just
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
With Python 3.4.0 you get an OSError if you try to extractall() the uploaded
tar_which_is_cut.tar. That's nice.
Seems like only 2.7 seems to be buggy.
===> python3
Python 3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:11)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
Quoting Guido van Rossum Aug 20 2015. Thread "Properties for classes possible?"
think it's reasonable to propose @classproperty as a patch to CPython. It
needs to
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
At the top of the htmllib module:
> Deprecated since version 2.6: The htmllib module has been removed in
> Python 3.
Newcomers need more advice: Which library should be used?
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
This issue is just about documentation. No code change is required for it.
How to update the docs, to point to html.parser?
Python tracker
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
I think a warning at the top of StringIO docs is needed.
And it should link to io.BytesIO.
Maybe even deprecate StringIO and cStringIO in Python2?
StringIO docs:
io.BytesIO docs:
New submission from Thomas Guettler:
The first message of the longMessage docs is confusing:
> If set to True then
This reads between the lines, that the default is False.
But that was long ago in Python2.
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Thank you for understanding my concern.
> The standard failure message for each *assert method* contains useful
> information about the objects involved. For example the message from
> assertEqual shows the repr of the two unequal objects. It i
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
Dear Bret Cannon,
I don't ask for egg support in the imp module.
I don't want to change the implemenation of imp.find_module()
I just want to update the docs.
Most people run a python version which supports loading zipped eggs.
Please reopened thi
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
In this case I am wearing newbee user glasses.
And with this glasses on my nose, I don't care for implementation.
I am confused that imp module does not work like "import foo".
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
The docs should be where new users look.
I don't speak about several hundret words
Where do you think new users look for documentation if they want a method which
does find a module?
Python tr
Thomas Guettler added the comment:
@Mariatta thank you very much. This update makes the docs easy to read and
understand. Thank you :-)
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