SilentGhost added the comment:
2.6 is in security-only mode, if I'm not mistaken.
nosy: +SilentGhost
versions: -Python 2.6
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
This seems like a change suitable for 3.3
nosy: +SilentGhost
versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 3.4
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
3.1 is in security fixes-only mode
nosy: +SilentGhost
versions: +Python 3.2 -Python 3.1
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is the patch fixing pep-8 compatibility and test. It is against the latest
nosy: +SilentGhost
status: closed -> open
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
you didn't attach anything, Giampaolo.
components: +Library (Lib)
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
is print really necessary in the test?
Also, I think it would be better to unpack the tuple in test, rather then index
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Added file:
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Python-bugs-list mailin
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
SilentGhost added the comment:
Sandro, you didn't attach anything.
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed message:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Changes by SilentGhost :
nosy: -SilentGhost
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from SilentGhost :
There is an extraneous entry in sidebar of the
It has some two chinese characters and leads to download page.
messages: 129264
nosy: SilentGhost
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: extraneous link getit in the main
SilentGhost added the comment:
Sorry, I realise that this is my mistake.
resolution: -> invalid
status: open -> closed
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
assignee: docs@python -> vinay.sajip
nosy: +vinay.sajip
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Which revision are you trying with? I cannot reproduce this with r88656
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
nosy: +bethard
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here's the single-file patch against the revision.
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
SilentGhost added the comment:
Above-mentioned fix was commited in rev 62994662676a
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Above-mentioned fix was committed in 0586c699d467 and 62994662676a
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed message:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Changes by SilentGhost :
resolution: -> invalid
stage: test needed -> committed/rejected
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
No this is not a bug. You're trying to execute two statements in one go in
IDLE, which it doesn't support. You need to run your while loop as a single
statement, then your print('Done').
nosy: +SilentGhost
resolution: -&g
New submission from SilentGhost :
With the conversion to mercurial source links in documentation should now point
Here is the patch.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: docs_sourcename.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 130268
nosy: SilentGhost, docs
Changes by SilentGhost :
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
SilentGhost added the comment:
> I've put the redirection in place.
So, it's not possible to access at all now?
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is a patch incorporating some of the changes proposed by Eric:
* drop callback, return generator of (filename, fact-dict)
> Aren't you modifying the state on the server (via "OPTS MLST"), and then if
> you make a subsequent call with
Changes by SilentGhost :
status: pending -> closed
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
New submission from SilentGhost :
Since the callable return in 3.2, should the fix_callable be dropped from
lib2to3 or should it be adjusted to make distinction between 3.1 and 3.2
situation? I'm not sure if latter is possible.
components: 2to3 (2.x to 3.0 conversion tool)
Changes by SilentGhost :
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by SilentGhost :
versions: +Python 3.3
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
SilentGhost added the comment:
facts_found.strip(" ").rstrip(";")
strip is redundant since facts_found is a first element of partitioning by the
same string. rstrip is wrong since you're potentially deleting more than one
character (there is no test for that).
SilentGhost added the comment:
This issue is not about the redirects. It is about links in documentation. The
redirect is great for the links in the wild, the online documentation, however,
could and should use proper links without any redirects.
Georg, or whoever is maintainer of Doc/tools
SilentGhost added the comment:
Related issue #10461
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
SilentGhost added the comment:
Éric, I'm not sure about the first atexit.rst hunk. I thought the purpose of
that code was to except IOError when no file is found. I'm not entirely sure
why in the simplest case would raise IOError. I'd think that
eli's pat
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is the latest patch for test_re incorporating review suggestions by Ezio
and some improvements along the way.
Added file:
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
SilentGhost added the comment:
> Looks good to me.
Would you mind committing it then?
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
I think these are two different questions:
1. What to escape
2. What to do about poor performance of the re.escape when re.sub is used
In my opinion, there isn't any justifiable reason to escape non-meta
characters: it doesn't affect matching; escap
SilentGhost added the comment:
> I left a comment on the review.
You need to publish your comment if you want others to see it.
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
A couple more minor issues:
1. Double space required at the beginning of the "Here is a ..." sentence in
2. in __exit__ method: "msg" is the variable name assigned from docmd('QUIT')
but "errmsg" i
SilentGhost added the comment:
The work on smtplib context manager continues in #11289. I'm putting it as a
dependency here.
dependencies: +smtplib context manager
nosy: +SilentGhost
versions: +Python 3.3
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
title: += on list inside a tuple raises TypeError but succeds anyway -> += on
list inside a tuple raises TypeError but succeeds anyway
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
To emphasize that it's only days parameter that is overflowing here is another
>>> timedelta(9, 1, 1) - timedelta(9, 0, 0)
datetime.timedelta(0, 1, 1)
>>> timedelta(9, 1, 1) - timedelta(9, 1, 0)
SilentGhost added the comment:
What happens is the second value is negated (__neg__) which causes it to become
less than timedelta.min and that is causing OverflowError.
components: +Library (Lib)
nosy: +belopolsky
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Arkady, I don't see why you need to catch exception. Just wrap the _writeinfo
call into a try-finally block, and close ofp in the finally.
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
SilentGhost added the comment:
100k is, apparently, not enough on my system (linux2). test_crashers now fails.
Are any system-specific details needed?
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
10**6 on the other hand seem to do the job
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Changes by SilentGhost :
nosy: +bethard
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
SilentGhost added the comment:
Please, don't use tabs to indent your code. Also check the trailing spaces and
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Did you try ?
nosy: +SilentGhost
versions: -Python 2.7, Python 3.4
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed message:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailin
SilentGhost added the comment:
Has something prevent you from implementing suggestion provided in my review?
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
a review on rietveld
which as I confirmed with you specifically at #python-dev you received a
notification of.
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is the patch for Docs/library/cmd.rst
nosy: +SilentGhost
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is the patch for Doc/library/difflib.rst
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Patch for Doc/library/collections.rst
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
patch for Doc/library/logging.rst
Also, note the the change of the mode from `'r'` to `'rb'`. `data_to_send` is
further send through socket and therefore requires to be bytes.
I expressed my opinion in irc, but I can repeat here that I
SilentGhost added the comment:
patch for Doc/library/logging.rst
Also, note the the change of the mode from `'r'` to `'rb'`. `data_to_send` is
further send through socket and therefore requires to be bytes.
I expressed my opinion in irc, but I can repeat here that I
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
SilentGhost added the comment:
Correct and update patch + update test case
keywords: +patch
nosy: +SilentGhost
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
here is the updated test case
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
None of the changes are about file reading, they only about using with
statement throughout. May be nofix then?
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is the patch for the table in Doc/library/stdtypes.rst
.count on range by some reason returns a boolean. Should it not be an int?
keywords: +patch
nosy: +SilentGhost
Added file:
New submission from SilentGhost :
>>> a = range(5)
>>> a.count(5)
>>> a.count(2)
I believe this is related to the issue9213 that introduced count and index
method on the range object. According to the documentation accompanying that
SilentGhost added the comment:
Benjamin, the docs say that it's possible to have count more than 1, depending
on comparison rules. If that's the case, I'm afraid your solution might need to
be adjusted.
SilentGhost added the comment:
Do I have to resubmit the patch or can you use the existing one?
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
In my original post, I mentioned that it might be just a documentation issue.
Could someone confirm that having map object returned is actually causing any
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list m
SilentGhost added the comment:
Re-submitting the patch for Lib/wsgiref/ w/o the isinstance change
keywords: +patch
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
What is the reason for this? Why do we need it?
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Here is the correction for the docs. I would love to see this making it into
3.2 release.
Added file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
Attached patch with the try-except clause as suggested by Steven, Doug's
example now produces the following output:
$ ./python
usage: [-h] [-i I] error: no such file or dire
SilentGhost added the comment:
Ammended akira's patch for Lib/test/ to include suggested in
review changes: with statement, import statement
Added file:
Python tr
SilentGhost added the comment:
Just for the reference: "What's new in Python 3.0" page says:
> Removed callable(). Instead of callable(f) you can use isinstance(f,
> collections.Callable). The operator.isCallable() function is also gone.
There doesn't seem to be
SilentGhost added the comment:
surely, such a relevant bit of information is worth linking to!
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
I wouldn't consider it "approving", what Guido says is:
> I admit defeat on this one
Which incidentally is in response to your e-mails with the actual
Changes by SilentGhost :
Removed file:
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
On windows proposed changes to Lib/test/ cause it to enter an
infinite loop in TempDirMixin.tearDown method.
As it seemed exclusively Windows issue, this new patch replaces while loop with
the ignore_errors parameter for shutil.rmtree.
Now all
SilentGhost added the comment:
Steven, I'm not sure why you're insisting on ArgumentTypeError, when it should
be ArgumentError. The file name is not coerced into a different file type, but
rather the error occurs when trying to use parameter passed.
In any way, my patch is still
SilentGhost added the comment:
I thought PEP 3003 was quite unambiguous:
>This PEP proposes a temporary moratorium (suspension) of **all changes** to
>the Python language syntax, semantics, and built-ins for a period of at least
>two years from the release of Python 3.1. In partic
SilentGhost added the comment:
I thought that moratorium meant Guido dis/approval is not applicable to the 3.2
Another listed change was help ease adoption of py3k. How's that helping?
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
yes, my problem is that callable was removed and a way was shown how to do this
check. The way which is consistent with the check for any other type (ABC). Now
out of the blue, w/o any justification this way is going to be ignored, because
"ah, sure. I can
SilentGhost added the comment:
> ABCs are still the exception in Python, and duck typing is still the
Then why do we callable again?
Don't worry, I'll deal with it. It's not like this whole discussion mattered.
SilentGhost added the comment:
It returns False on the latest py3k checkout as well.
nosy: +SilentGhost
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
versions: +Python 3.2
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
SilentGhost added the comment:
It's not just this character. isspace() is also False for \u200c and \u200d
(from the same category). and \u2060, \u2800 and \ufeff
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
title: Unicode space character \u200b unrecognised a space -> Some unicode
space characters are not recognized as a space
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
I'm not quoting anything. Thank you very much.
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
nosy: -SilentGhost
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by SilentGhost :
title: (Fancy) URL opener stucks whet try to open page -> (Fancy) URL opener
stuck when trying to open redirected url
Python tracker
SilentGhost added the comment:
@xhresko: This is not valid py3k code.
It is 302 redirect. I get the following error:
IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because
the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection
SilentGhost added the comment:
@xhresko: why are you passing empty dict to the constructor? it works just fine
with opener = urllib.request.FancyURLopener()
resolution: invalid ?
Python tracker
Changes by SilentGhost :
versions: -Python 2.7
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Python-bugs-list mailing list
Changes by SilentGhost :
versions: +Python 2.7
Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list
SilentGhost added the comment:
Not sure this worth a patch, to me it looks like a removal of a single word.
But here it goes anyway.
nosy: +SilentGhost
Added file:
Python tracker
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