New submission from Patrick Gerken :
When running the command install_lib, the command build_clib is not run.
If a package contains clibs they can be dependencies for extension libs,
at least that is stated in the module docstring of build_clib.
In real life you can see it when trying to run
Patrick Gerken added the comment:
The attached test works breaks without the patch and passes with the patch.
I am not sure whether the test itself is written following best practice.
I would be more than happy for a review, with hints what should be done
Added file: http
New submission from Patrick Gerken :
Sadly, I am unable to debug it enough to be able to provide a thorough
test case. I can provide information of how to reproduce the problem on
request. I have a tar file and a diff to with some pdbs that
only get activated in the middle of the file
Patrick Gerken added the comment:
doh, I only searched for open bugs. Not for closed.
This ticket is a dublicate of
and fixed in python 2.5.
If somebody has similar problems, here is a quickfix:
I finally was able to reproduce the issue. It only happens when
Patrick Gerken added the comment:
Hi Tarek,
I think clib stuff is installed in the right python directory and the
ext install step then just finds them.
To reproduce the issue, run
the "old" easy_install in a virtualenv.
easy_install ReportLab
It will then fail because of t
Patrick Gerken added the comment:
Thank you, tarek
The sys.path should have been obvious.
Added file:
Python tracker