[issue1518] Fast globals/builtins access (patch)

2007-11-29 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: Christian: Thanks for that, I'll have to remember DEBUG_LEAK in the future. :) It looks like it may be acting correctly since there *is* now a fastglobals object that needs collecting, and also a new tuple built from co_names + "__builtins__". I do

[issue1560] PATCH: Attribute lookup caching

2007-12-05 Thread Neil Toronto
New submission from Neil Toronto: I've attached a patch to accelerate type and instance lookups using a specialized cache. It includes a benchmarking script (fastattr_test.py) that tests both successful and failing lookups on list, dict and tuple, and a simple, deep hierarchy. Benchmark re

[issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6

2007-12-06 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: Attribute access that happens only once or very infrequently probably shouldn't go through the cache machinery - it'll only slow things down. (Updating slots for example.) Maybe _PyType_Lookup should remain the same, with _PyType_CachingLookup added for

[issue1700288] Armin's method cache optimization updated for Python 2.6

2007-12-06 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: I've attached the microbenchmarks I was using for my own version of attribute caching. For list, tuple, dict, and a deep hierarchy, it tests accessing type attributes (cls.__class__), class attributes (cls.__init__), class attributes via instance (inst.__cl

[issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0

2007-12-07 Thread Neil Toronto
New submission from Neil Toronto: This is a half-port of the patches in #1685986 and #1700288 to Python 3.0. Speedups are about the same as in those patches applied to their respective Python versions for minibenchmarks (included in the patch as fastattr_test_py3k.py): 5%-30% or more depending

[issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0

2007-12-07 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: This patch adds the ability to invalidate all of a subclasses' cache entries upon setattr rather than updating just one cache entry. It's not clear which of these is the Right Thing To Do, so I've made it an #ifdef for now. It defaults to updati

[issue1560] PATCH: Attribute lookup caching

2007-12-10 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: Yes, as well #1700288 (Armin's attribute lookup caching patch ported to 2.6) or #1685986 (Armin's original for 2.4), or whatever Raymond finds most convenient. __ Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://bugs.p

[issue1560] PATCH: Attribute lookup caching

2007-12-10 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: Sorry - I'll be more clear. I'd love to see 2.6 get attribute lookup caching, and Kevin's port (#1700288) of Armin's original 2.4 patch (#1685986) does that for 2.6. #1685986 (2.4) should be closed and #1700288 (2.6) should remain open. But R

[issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0

2008-01-16 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: Well horse pucky. I plum forgot about deletes. I've attached an update that properly clears the cache entry for the deleted attribute for all non-shadowing subclasses. (It was a small change.) Undef'ing ATTRCACHE_SETATTR_INVALIDATES should wor

[issue1568] PATCH: Armin's attribute lookup caching for 3.0

2008-01-23 Thread Neil Toronto
Neil Toronto added the comment: There's nothing it tests that standard unit tests don't, so it shouldn't stick around as a unit test. I used it to time different types of attribute lookups and left it in as an optimization aid. The main test groups are '.' access, su